I've noticed that many people are opting for the compact version and then adding a moderator to reduce the noise, effectively making it the same length as the standard 600mm barrel.
However, this approach also means sacrificing some air cylinder capacity, which could end up being more expensive in the long run than simply purchasing the standard model from the start.
Could someone explain if there are any other factors that might influence the decision to choose the compact version over the standard one? It's worth mentioning that the compact model doesn't come with a moderator when purchased new, either.
However, this approach also means sacrificing some air cylinder capacity, which could end up being more expensive in the long run than simply purchasing the standard model from the start.
Could someone explain if there are any other factors that might influence the decision to choose the compact version over the standard one? It's worth mentioning that the compact model doesn't come with a moderator when purchased new, either.