You refer to things like I do. I have a dislike for any gun that I have to limber up. And I’ve had a few. With a springer, I’m not sure who has to limber up more before things are on point. Me or the gun. So maybe moving forward so we don’t confuse or offend any powder burner dudes, I’ll refer to a cold shot as a stiff shot. That will really throw a curve at everyone. Maybe start a FX M Stiffy topic.
I think that all the options above are right on point.. it either the gun works or probably mostly us that are what is a cold shot.. and I also know that this time of year, I'm not sure if I do get warmed up unless I was stacking firewood, definitely not standing there shooting..
now I have shot spring airguns, PCP guns and powder guns most of my life..I had in my prior collection guns that are extremely rare now and well I wish I still had at least half of them.
now about a cold barrel, in machining there's a tool bit cooler that uses compressed air jetted through a venturi and around a spiral, I forgot what it is called but it basically keeps you tool bit cold and clear of debris.. actually I don't really know if they are still using them much anymore because they have gone to liquid cooling and lubricant..
now I actually have not noticed any difference between a actually cold barrel and one that is warm from shooting.. I would assume that there could likely be a shot placement movement difference between them especially if you have a receiver mount scope.. and possibly even more so if it is dissimilar metals.. just would likely depend on the thickness and design. I was one time working in North Dakota on a farm and I was rebuilding hydraulic cylinders and I went and asked my boss about the spanner wrench,it was a fixed spanner made out of steel and the gland was aluminum..I was told to put both in the heated tack room and do it after I got lunch.. it was quite a way off from fitting but after lunch it fit right in.. note this was a 70° tack room and it was -30° outside plus whatever the wind chill was.. so that to me showed different expansion rates for different metals in extreme temperatures.. oh and there was a couple of days you had to be really careful with tools,I once shattered a ball peen hammer on the first hit when it was extremely cold..
one time I had livestock being attacked by a pack of wild dogs.. and well adrenaline set in after the first shot.. large pack turned on me and I dropped the last one only 10 ft away..I had started at 50+ yards on the leader.. it was a bad day because honestly dogs are my favorite people.. but it had to be done, I had already saved the neighbors kids walking home from school the week before and possibly a month before that they are the legs off my neighbors dog, while it was still alive.. it's horrible what we can cause as humans.. I've never seen wild animals act like those. honestly I think I had one round left in the Henry.. and the barrel was smoking, neighbor actually called me and asked what I was shooting full auto..I told him it was my regular lever action powder burner and the dog pack that ate the legs off his dog was all done..he was very happy but I still felt bad from it all..
that said I have never noticed any change in impact on powder burner.. but all mine were either lever or bolt and open sights..