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What's up with FX USA?

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It makes sense why FX is the way it is if you put yourself in their shoes.. They put most of their focus towards events like the Pyramyd Air Cup because it is a potent advertising tactic that sells guns. Creating a competent service/parts center doesn’t get guns sold as fast as Matt Dubber winning with an Impact. Because guess what? People will still continue to buy FX guns despite their unreliable service/parts center. I’m sure FX knows this. They arguably have the best product on the market and THAT allows them to neglect certain things and give precedence to other things that are proven to sell more guns. I just can’t wait until a good ol’ American company can give them a run for their money. (JSAR Raptor looks promising)

Frankly it makes no sense to me to treat your customers like a secondary interest. Without customers you will soon find yourself without a business regardless of the number of competition wins. And while some people may continue to buy their products regardless of unreliable service, there are many others (including me) that will look elsewhere first. That is the primary reason that I own 2 Daystates.

“Win on Sunday, buy on Monday principle” works really well for auto manufacturers but unlike FX, when you called them they have sufficient staff to answer the phones and if you needed parts or service they are there year round. Plus when you need repairs, you don't have to ship your car back to Detroit, you take it to the dealer where you bought it.

Enough said.

Hawkeye, weren’t you disappointed in the Pulsar and Wolverine?

Hawkeye, weren’t you disappointed in the Pulsar and Wolverine?

I have a Pulsar HP and a Renegade and had issues with both, and a Brocock too, but AOA is less than 30 minutes away and did the repairs under warranty. I can't imagine having to send 3 guns across country multiple times.
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