For myself at 73 years of age, and my 100 fpe Troy Hammer Kral Bighorn, it is a Last harrah thing.
I love long range shooting, I lived for 20 years in the only house in 110 square miles and had a 1100 yard range and a sign on my locked gate that said, “If I wanted company I would live next to you”, to keep the riff raff out. I shot everything from a Sar 25 to a long range original engraved Sharps Borschardt on that range.
Many of you that have watched my utube video of my 615 yard shot on a 12 oz cola can, that blurry video was shot on that range 10 years ago. My ballistic arch was higher than a two story building, if Jack and Reba Haley had not made the gun for me and I had not pushed the envelope perhaps a few of you would still be shooting pellets.
I used to live to hunt coyotes, mostly by sitting in a sage brush and calling, and though I am done with shooting coyotes, I thought it would be fun to have a powerful air gun to see how far I could go in power. All of which makes zero sense because I have difficulty shooting 30 feet these days as my last optic nerve dies. But hell why not, what harm does it do?
It does no harm, it is shooters and Airgun gun cranks pushing the envelope, like John Bowman, who is the real father of long range airguning, Doug Noble the ultimates gun crank who gave us the equipment and Cedric’s wonderful blogs and video’s who were the pioneers of long range airgunning.
And it sure to hell was not the big foreign commercial gun makers and their $3000.00 rifles of the month who gave us that. Again it was the shooters and gun cranks mentioned above who got that ball rolling.
So go for for it guys and don’t look back until your looking too close at that long sleep, then close your eyes and remember how much fun it all was.
So yeah that’s why I do it.
And when I say I loved hunting coyotes I am serious.
Regards and good night,