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What’s your excuse?

I truly enjoy the sport of FT. The camaraderie trumps a well shot match every time for me. I enjoy listening to the stories of the participants and the shots they made and well, didn’t after the match.
(Yes, it’s a sport. Calling it a “game” belittles the amount of time, effort and MONEY folks invest participating in the SPORT.)
But I digress…
Today after our match, the subject of excuses heard from match mates for not knocking down targets was brought up. Some, shall we say, got an eyebrow raise and a sometimes a chuckle. I’ve used all I heard and put a couple in my pocket to use at a future match. We passed around some we’ve heard over the years, and I thought it would be fun to share the ones you have heard. You do not have to explain the “excuse” unless it’s necessary to understand it, just what you’ve heard. If the “excuse” has already been posted, just simply “like” the OP. No need to disclose the claimant. I’m not looking to embarrass anyone.
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I truly enjoy the sport of FT. The camaraderie trumps a well shot match every time for me. I enjoy listening to the stories of the participants and the shots they made and well, didn’t after the match.
(Yes, it’s a sport. Calling it a “game” belittles the amount of time, effort and MONEY folks invest participating in the SPORT.)
But I digress…
Today after our match, the subject of excuses heard from match mates for not knocking down targets was brought up. Some, shall we say, got an eyebrow raise and a sometimes a chuckle. I’ve used all I heard and put a couple in my pocket to use at a future match. We passed around some we’ve heard over the years, and I thought it would be fun to share the ones you have heard. You do not have to explain the “excuse” unless it’s necessary to understand it, just what you’ve heard. If the “excuse” has already been posted, just simply “like” the OP. No need to disclose the claimant. I’m not looking to embarrass anyone.
My tennis shoe blew out the sole
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*Damn breakfast burrito had my tummy rolling all morning and every damn time i was breaking a shot my tummy knotted up and had to burp ... Lol

*Who the hell is painting the damn targets a muted flat color ? I can't tell the range as there was little to focus on ... lol

*Coffee, caffeine drinks are the only way i shoot, as without I'm unsteady / wobbly ... lol

*Weather man forecast clear sky's and little wind, WTF my shots are going clear across the darn KZ hole !! who shoots in such conditions !!!

*I swear who ever set this course has no friggen clue on what there doing being the KZ's are too small and targets too far away ... Honestly this is not fun.

LOL ... as a MD for 12+ years and serious shooter these and more are quite common and what one must work them self threw in the game if wishing to take the challenge seriously. If not just shoot at your ability and have a damn good time :cool: (y)
I haven't shot FT, but I've shot in a lot of other competitions, and there's one excuse that seems present in all of them, and which always makes me smirk; "I'd have come in first if (I hadn't missed that one target / I hadn't dropped those six points / I hadn't botched stage 3 / etc). I smirk because that's just a backhanded way of saying:

"I'd have won if I had just shot better than the guy in first place!"

I'd have done better if I hadn't SUCKED so bad.

I'd have posted a higher score if I hadn't missed so much.

My Red Bull/Jolt Cola breakfast cocktail might've had something to do with it.


Too much fun last night.

Everything breaks.

Everything broke.

I shot an airgun.

Bumped my head when I fell off my bum-bag.

Three legged stools are one too few on uneven terrain.

The pellets wouldn't fly where I aimed them.

In other words...

🤬 Should'a, would'a, could'a!

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I can tell this course was designed by a right-hander.

This gun is still breaking in.

My standing scores would be better if the target would stop moving.

Oh, I see the problem, this is my backup gun.

If I had (insert the latest/best tech gadget) then my scores would be better.

Frieken wind.

The true answer - we all need to practice more if we want to get better.