What's your favorite shot group you've had?

bet you thought you was shooting blanks
No after the third shot I was trying to keep my stuff together. The forth shot had a pit in my stomach. The last shot I just stared through the scope in dis belief and ran to tell my wife. She was so impressed . Haha.
This is my best ever group. .068. Tx200 from a bench shooting just under 25 yards indoors. It took me years and this only happened once. I have gotten close but five rounds that tight is my best so far.
This group is what made me decide to go to the US field target nationals
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One of the best I've seen with a piston gun.👌🏻
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I have a couple with different piston guns, I don't own or shoot PCP.

.177 Prosport at 40 yards rested on bags.

Prosport at 40 yards rested on cross sticks IIRC.

.177 97K at 40 yards rested on bags, 47 yards is incorrect.

97K at 40 yards rested on bags, 4 shots through a 1.0" KZ, 5 shot hit the plate.

45 yards with a Diana 75

The rifles will shoot much better than I can.
One of the best I've seen with a piston gun.👌🏻

Indeed. Like hens teeth. 5 shots under 2 pellet diameters would warrant a feast with music around here.

A guy that can even get close to that with repeatability is a true rifleman with a mighty fine shooting rifle. Mastery and engineering at it's finest. Even then you have to add some voodoo magic for a springer to spit 5 through that tiny hole.
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The wind finally died down and I was finally able to shoot last night. Before the weather got too bad i moved my 135 yard target to 125 so I wouldn’t have to cross the creek and possibly crash & burn. I walked down there today to change out the paper and saw this one weird group. It didn’t even register last night when I shot it. It’s the one in red. Then I thought of this topic. The group below it was also shot last night and I think it wanted to be an X also. I don’t think I’ll ever duplicate this again because my final group is upper left after some clicking. For now I have to wonder if when this gun sits for a week or two it shoots X groups until it limbers up.
