What's your favorite shot group you've had?



This was while testing a Steyr Lg100 I had replaced the barrel on and set to 12 ft lb...
12 ft lb at 100 yards 😃... that's an MOA coin... it was just shooting so well at 50, I had to try... The right cluster is the first 3 and likely all would have gone there but the breeze changed just a little and even though I held for it, still went left on the fourth and fifth...


This was 15 shots at 91 yards with my Red Wolf - Wally, back when the MRD's were very good. All day was this good at 100 but the paper and steel were too messy for a pic.

My absolute favorite is with 20 gn NSA 177 slugs. These were hand swaged and I wrote about them in the "Happy Pills" thread. I don't have a pic but shot 5 through a single hole about 25 cal at 100 and was witnessed. That's likely the smallest group I've ever shot with anything, even powder burners...
Back in 2018 I built a couple 2011 type 9mm pistols for competition. I mostly just wanted to see if I could do it.

A friend of mine was at the shooting range trying to get a muzzle loader rifle on paper at 100y and asked if I could help. He was shooting at a cardboard backer that had about a million holes in it. I drove around the range and dug up a fresh piece of cardboard and stapled it up on the backer. It took him about 10 minutes of doing whatever needed to be done between shots with the muzzle loader so I decided to take a few shots at the cardboard with my pistol while he was doing his thing. I'd never shot at beyond about 35y...but figured the bullet was gonna drop quite a bit. I rested my wrists on his sandbag and aimed at the top center of the cardboard and took 3 shots. Of course I couldn't see any of them at all at 100y without a magnification . When I got over to the spotting scope and had a look...I was really surprised. My friend is kind of a collector and demanded me to sell him that gun right then....and I did. He gave me 6000$ for it and I loaded a couple hundred of those rounds as part of the deal. I don't think he's shot it since. Lol


My two best using my Thomas HPX sending swaged 22 cal 42gr slugs.

That one to the left, the photo in my Steve123 signature at 87Y, and this one on blank cardboard at 98Y of 5 shots.
Honestly I don't shoot groups much on paper, nor on steel either for that matter.

Here's 200Y with the same gun and ammo.

And 421Y but with my Vulcan 3 25 cal using 60gr Altaros slugs. Windy and was holding off 3 mils. Too far away to see impacts, we only heard them. Around 9" of vertical.
Back in 2018 I built a couple 2011 type 9mm pistols for competition. I mostly just wanted to see if I could do it.

A friend of mine was at the shooting range trying to get a muzzle loader rifle on paper at 100y and asked if I could help. He was shooting at a cardboard backer that had about a million holes in it. I drove around the range and dug up a fresh piece of cardboard and stapled it up on the backer. It took him about 10 minutes of doing whatever needed to be done between shots with the muzzle loader so I decided to take a few shots at the cardboard with my pistol while he was doing his thing. I'd never shot at beyond about 35y...but figured the bullet was gonna drop quite a bit. I rested my wrists on his sandbag and aimed at the top center of the cardboard and took 3 shots. Of course I couldn't see any of them at all at 100y without a magnification . When I got over to the spotting scope and had a look...I was really surprised. My friend is kind of a collector and demanded me to sell him that gun right then....and I did. He gave me 6000$ for it and I loaded a couple hundred of those rounds as part of the deal. I don't think he's shot it since. Lol


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Love those 2011's!

Man that worked out great for you in more ways than one!
Chasing accuracy is a constant endeavor for me
The best i have done so far (i hope to be improving) is this group i did at an indoor range @100 yards
4 shots(chickend out on the 5th) using a Skout Epoch with JTS 22.07g pellets
View attachment 521776

That is just an outstanding 100 yard pattern for any rifle. Crazy good shooting!
I will have to say the 2 consecutive 5 shot groups i shot a while back at 90 yards with my .177 Maverick.
Had it not been for the last shot in both groups ( im good at that ) they would have been even more awesome.


Yeah, that 5th shot definitely can have a mind of its own.

Here are two 5-shot groups I shot earlier this year at 100 yards. I shot the white group first - the 5th shot went left. I was getting real excited about the green group - the fifth shot went high and left. It was very windy, and it was one of the first couple times using .30 caliber.

I started thinking “hey, .30 caliber groups nice at 100”… then reality (aka the wind) took over, lol.

Group 2.jpeg
I never saw the point in people showing their best groups ever, random stuff happens, I actually own a POS rifle that is a true 4+++ moa waste of money that the manufacturer said was in spec and would not fix it(an expensive browning), I fired one 3 round magazine through it that was just about 1" even, sh_t happens, never did again with that rifle or even under 3.5", just a random occurence. I'm more interested in what is the worst that can be expected with a rifle/ammo combination no excuses, both pcp and powder burners. At 100 yards, I only own two rifles that are true sub MOA, and a handful that are real close. On my accurate powder burners, my definition of worse expected is a 20 shot group fired 2 at a time over weeks or months and vastly different temperatures, cold bore shot and follow up. My custom Gre'Tan with factory nosler partition passed that test from 0F (freezer all night with ammo) and 40-90F naturally with a 0.6" group in my hands, my 7mag Sako passed barely at .09x". Nothing else I own that is interestingly accurate can do sub MOA in real life in my hands, I'd be willing to bet some real benchrest shooters I know could move some of my other ones to sub moa, but not in my hands and that is the only thing that matters. Doing 9 out of 10 5 shot groups sub MOA isn't a sub MOA rifle or other weapon, unfortunately that is not what people report, especially on the internet. My uragan compact .22 comes close, but weather differences of 30+degrees F kill it at 50 yards it truly cannot be counted on to be under .5", real close, but not there. Honestly, just a puff of wind when it is calm at the wrong time will kill it every time in one sitting. 90% of my use is pick up weapon, shoot 1 round and kill something, occasionally more than one round and kill more than one something, where I live that is almost a weekly occrurence. Real life accuracy is the only thing that matters to me.
I never saw the point in people showing their best groups ever, random stuff happens, I actually own a POS rifle that is a true 4+++ moa waste of money that the manufacturer said was in spec and would not fix it(an expensive browning), I fired one 3 round magazine through it that was just about 1" even, sh_t happens, never did again with that rifle or even under 3.5", just a random occurence. I'm more interested in what is the worst that can be expected with a rifle/ammo combination no excuses, both pcp and powder burners. At 100 yards, I only own two rifles that are true sub MOA, and a handful that are real close. On my accurate powder burners, my definition of worse expected is a 20 shot group fired 2 at a time over weeks or months and vastly different temperatures, cold bore shot and follow up. My custom Gre'Tan with factory nosler partition passed that test from 0F (freezer all night with ammo) and 40-90F naturally with a 0.6" group in my hands, my 7mag Sako passed barely at .09x". Nothing else I own that is interestingly accurate can do sub MOA in real life in my hands, I'd be willing to bet some real benchrest shooters I know could move some of my other ones to sub moa, but not in my hands and that is the only thing that matters. Doing 9 out of 10 5 shot groups sub MOA isn't a sub MOA rifle or other weapon, unfortunately that is not what people report, especially on the internet. My uragan compact .22 comes close, but weather differences of 30+degrees F kill it at 50 yards it truly cannot be counted on to be under .5", real close, but not there. Honestly, just a puff of wind when it is calm at the wrong time will kill it every time in one sitting. 90% of my use is pick up weapon, shoot 1 round and kill something, occasionally more than one round and kill more than one something, where I live that is almost a weekly occrurence. Real life accuracy is the only thing that matters to me.
While your opinion and truthful enough .... Folks show groups that are more telling of the Air Guns accuracy, as we all know environmental conditions change just as we all have good days and bad :cautious:

3 shot 5 shot give an idea, but send 25+ shots at a common POA you get a far better read on Gun and it's operator :giggle:(y)
I believe the point of showing off exceptional groups is that everyone can come up with one and that makes it a very popular and happy thread. If you want to doom a party right off the bat ...ask for people to show off 5 or 6 25 shot groups on the same piece of paper. Lol

Or 25 5-shot groups on same card.
There is nothing wrong with celebrating what the gun will do in ideal conditions. Even a fluke 3-5 shot group is worth bragging about. You know the gun can do it.

Hammering out 25-30 rounds at a dot and keeping them within the capabilities of the rifle is quite a trophy IMHO. 25-30 shots in a row isn't an accident. It means no accidents in 25-30 shots. That's phenomenal shooting!

It's humbling and educational. Some of these rascals can really shoot. And the hardware they are shooting has to be mighty accurate.

Even if these guys are picking the best cherries the average must be pretty sweet. You don't get cherries like that if you don't have a pretty good tree and some farming skills.
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There is nothing wrong with celebrating what the gun will do in ideal conditions. Even a fluke 3-5 shot group is worth bragging about. You know the gun can do it.
No you don't, statistically random as heck, if the gun/ammo combination was capable it would not be a "fluke" as you called group, it would happen damn near all the time for average shooter, for @thomasair all the time if rifle/ammo was capable with exception of a random 20mph burst of wind timing things right. My one POS rifle did that one group, it most certainly doesn't say what the gun will do in ideal conditons, it proves random sh_t happens.
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