What's your favorite shot group you've had?

Indeed! The amount of groove surface and the great finish would require a very special reamer. Hammering a polished bore around a mandrel is an awesome process and that bore is impeccable. A real work of art!

My little Cometa has a hammer forged barrel. It's silky in there. No tool chatter or tight spots that I can feel or see. From my limited experience it's a better barrel than the average reamed and polished tube.

Yours is a funky beast with those three lands. It obviously offers superb precision. What a hoot man! You just don't see stuff like that every day.
It came to me from AKA: Troy Hammer ( Hugh Jorgensen ) ? on spelling ? .... He paid good money to have the mandrill fabricated & owns the rights to there manufacturing / selling at this juncture having TJ's in KY build a few of them for testers. Don't think there are more than a 1/2 dozen if that out there as "Hugh" had to semi shelf the project when going to work for PA in Ohio. Last we spoke a few weeks back the project and these wicked barrels might find there way into limited availability in the near future.
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I never saw the point in people showing their best groups ever, random stuff happens, I actually own a POS rifle that is a true 4+++ moa waste of money that the manufacturer said was in spec and would not fix it(an expensive browning), I fired one 3 round magazine through it that was just about 1" even, sh_t happens, never did again with that rifle or even under 3.5", just a random occurence. I'm more interested in what is the worst that can be expected with a rifle/ammo combination no excuses, both pcp and powder burners. At 100 yards, I only own two rifles that are true sub MOA, and a handful that are real close. On my accurate powder burners, my definition of worse expected is a 20 shot group fired 2 at a time over weeks or months and vastly different temperatures, cold bore shot and follow up. My custom Gre'Tan with factory nosler partition passed that test from 0F (freezer all night with ammo) and 40-90F naturally with a 0.6" group in my hands, my 7mag Sako passed barely at .09x". Nothing else I own that is interestingly accurate can do sub MOA in real life in my hands, I'd be willing to bet some real benchrest shooters I know could move some of my other ones to sub moa, but not in my hands and that is the only thing that matters. Doing 9 out of 10 5 shot groups sub MOA isn't a sub MOA rifle or other weapon, unfortunately that is not what people report, especially on the internet. My uragan compact .22 comes close, but weather differences of 30+degrees F kill it at 50 yards it truly cannot be counted on to be under .5", real close, but not there. Honestly, just a puff of wind when it is calm at the wrong time will kill it every time in one sitting. 90% of my use is pick up weapon, shoot 1 round and kill something, occasionally more than one round and kill more than one something, where I live that is almost a weekly occrurence. Real life accuracy is the only thing that matters to me.
Your point is well taken, but I don't believe that folks are claiming that their tiny groups are any more than just that; a screamer group that might or might not happen again. Nothing wrong with being pleased with it. As a former benchrest competitor, I can say for certain that most BR shooters have a bunch of little groups recorded, but only a handful have a bunch of championships recorded. My smallest 100 yard group measured .061". My next target was .400" and the next one even worse. So, the rest of my shooting was strictly recreational because I was out of the running. It's meaningless, but I still have that target.
Favorite group shot?

About 2 years ago and it was probably the only one I shot and recorded that I remember taking, at least that stood out. After the third shot I totally chickened 🐔 out shooting anymore because it looked too good to ruin.😆

This was at the 200 yard line at Pala shooting range.



The thing I don't remember was that they were NSA 38 gr or the 40 gr Altaros.

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Here is my 200 yard groups after replacing the regulator. Intermittent rain with 5 to 8 mph winds. Altaros m24 .25 cal Altaros Queen slugs. Not my best 200 yard groups considering the rain and winds. View attachment 524496
Rod that's is really pretty dang good considering it looks like 30 plus shots with wind and rain.

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Just happened to shoot decent this day and got real lucky. I was just messing around with no plans to shoot paper or groups.

Grabbed my Taipan Mutant and two mags for a quick session. Was just about finished with finished with my first mag when I noticed a wet piece of cardboard at 48 yards. Shot a target hole then 3 more almost perfectly inside that. Shocked I grabbed my 2nd mag which had hades in it. Almost did the same thing but pulled the 4th shot. Called it quits and went and retrieved my trophy haha.

Here’s the groups w/ standing pellet for reference(after cardboard dried). I’m sure I couldn’t do it again when trying.
Amazing to see the groups in this post. A year ago I would have never imagined a airgun was capable of any of this.

I got frustrated with my patterns at 50 yards with my springers. The wind has been constant so I bought a new rifle for breezy days.

50 yards 3 shots in the top group. .015

2 clicks down and 2 more shots.


2 clicks left on a new target. The first 2 shots are titties and beer. The wind blew the third shot into the weeds.


I feel dirty all over for posting rimfire patterns on an airgun forum. I kinda dig that feeling and now I'm a little turned on....

CZ457 American out of the box. CCI-SV from Wal Mart. Leupold 3x9. Shooting off a camera tripod in a 20mph wind.
A guy can't write anything here without someone getting a hook into it and trying to reel you in. There are so many armchair editors looking for something to pick apart it's impossible to post without someone wanting to debate in minutia some arrangement of words they can interpret as "wrong".

I realize you may have worded it differently. I realize I didn't specify every detail and include caveats in every generalization.

I was so very wrong to allow such an opening for criticism. In an environment with dozens of guys looking for details to pounce on it is best to simply not offer much of anything of substance and keep the posts shallow and short.

The urge to be an "expert" and correct others is a way of life on this forum. I have a new "daddy" trying to teach me lessons over something I've posted on a daily basis. I understand the attraction to correct an erroneous assumption. But to dig that deep is simply ridiculous.

It's simply an attempt to try and diminish an otherwise good post. Some guys read a post and just have to pour cold water on it. You have to have a fact checker, a lawyer and a psychotherapist to create a post that someone here is not going to take exception to. When you try to explain yourself others pile in and it snowballs into a mess.

It's like a bunch of buzzards in the desert sitting around waiting for something to die. I find it as humorous as I do frustrating. I suppose it's just the culture of the internet nowadays.
I like your posts, I would say you have a great way with the English language and a good sense of humor. Please dont let some unhappy keyboard cowboys ruin that for the rest of us.
This is my best ever group. .068. Tx200 from a bench shooting just under 25 yards indoors. It took me years and this only happened once. I have gotten close but five rounds that tight is my best so far.
This group is what made me decide to go to the US field target nationals
I like your posts, I would say you have a great way with the English language and a good sense of humor. Please dont let some unhappy keyboard cowboys ruin that for the rest of us.

This is my best ever group. .068. Tx200 from a bench shooting just under 25 yards indoors. It took me years and this only happened once. I have gotten close but five rounds that tight is my best so far.
This group is what made me decide to go to the US field target nationals
View attachment 538850
bet you thought you was shooting blanks
I like your posts, I would say you have a great way with the English language and a good sense of humor. Please dont let some unhappy keyboard cowboys ruin that for the rest of us.

Thanks. Those are mighty kind words and I appreciate that!

I forgot which little jousting match that post was about. It's not worth the time to go back and look.

Some gyus are a bit oversprung and get a little hold sensitive. It's aggravating, but I get over it pretty quickly. They are just trying to remain relevant. We all are I suppose in our own way.
This is my best ever group. .068. Tx200 from a bench shooting just under 25 yards indoors. It took me years and this only happened once. I have gotten close but five rounds that tight is my best so far.
This group is what made me decide to go to the US field target nationals
View attachment 538850

I got a 3 shot group like that once. I put one shot in the paper, one in the dirt in front of the target and one through the neighbors cat.

That's tight for any rifle at 25. It's phenomenal for a springer.