N/A Whats your most consistently accurate airgun?

Most airguns are more precise than their shooter and the ammo. Always exceptions to the rules however rarely is a 'flier' the fault of a gun outside of insane amounts of reg creep.

I'd like to see some of these most accurate guns shoot a group with 5~ cold shots, meaning each shot has a waiting period of at least 4~ hours if not 24.


Matt - Agree with your first sentence.

I am curious about your 2nd sentence. Not challenging, just want to really understand your point.

Unless you’re a regular hunter or pester and want your first ‘cold’ shot to be true zero at your preferred distance, I’m not sure how relevant it is to shoot 5 pellets at spaced out intervals, 24 hours in your case. Also, why don’t you post your 5-shot group with your most accurate gun over 24 hours and then post 5 in a row at 40-50 yards.

FWIW - I think you may be correct, but I’m not sure what it proves if it is your most accurate gun.

What specifically are you trying to state here?

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