N/A Whats your most consistently accurate airgun?

Whats that one airgun you have that's got that unicorn barrel that just amazes you everytime you shoot it? I've owned many airguns and I can't say I've had one like this before just crazy accurate. My Taipan Vet Long .22 shooting JTS 18gr at 920fps.

50yds 4 5 shot groups. Avg of .284". I think my parallax was off a hair as it wasn't dead center on all targets like usual but not too stressed about that. On the second one the last shot was the one that dropped lower. If it didn't it was .184" for those first 4 and would have avg .216". Hard to complain when your worst group is .456" and still subMOA. Also think the .155" is my best 5 shot group at 50yds to date. But yeah this gun has about ruined me now and expectations of accuracy with other guns. Kinda sucks lol
The Taipan Veteran was my first PCP coming from the TX200 springer. Ever since I got the Taipan Veteran, I've been looking for other guns I might want but I just have never been able to pull the trigger on any of the other guns as the Veteran just seems so perfect for what I'm looking for in a gun.
Any air rifle can be accurate. It always depends on who is shooting it and how they can tune it for the ammo they like best. Another thing shooting at a short distance like 50 yards is nothing to say I take the minimum distance for accurate shooting 100 yards or more there you can tell both the air rifle and the shooter especially if you are shooting pellets and not slugs. Of course above 100 yards it is better to shoot slugs.
My most accurate, as long as i am doing my part, is my Martin Rutterford RAW HM 10000X made for me with a .22 cut rifle barrel.
I try not to mess with it because i have learned that Martin knows best.
Mine was set-up with a for the 25g pellets going about 930fps.
Fully capable of a 250 at 50 yards on a benchrest card .. though not the best at 100 yards..but that's my shooting fault.
I do some tests on consistency at 10m indoors .. 100 shots, weighed pellets.

Most airguns are more precise than their shooter and the ammo. Always exceptions to the rules however rarely is a 'flier' the fault of a gun outside of insane amounts of reg creep.

I'd like to see some of these most accurate guns shoot a group with 5~ cold shots, meaning each shot has a waiting period of at least 4~ hours if not 24.

My .177 RAW has never failed me. It is consistently accurate with 1/2" groups at 50yds and never any POI changes. The poly barrel is super consistent throughout the bore with a beautifully machined crown. This barrel is an absolute gem!

My .22cal RAW is a different story - it's a complete turd. Even after trying 3 different LW poly barrels (2 unchoked and 1 choked), none of them came anywhere close to my .177cal LW poly barrel.

I still regret not get getting a vet long in both .177 and .22.
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The thing that makes me reluctant to consider the Taipan is the weight. I like 5 lb airguns. My most accurate are my P35-22 and my Air Maks Caiman X in 22. Both have given me a 200 on the 30 yard challenge and will consistently give me a 195+ in low wind if I am doing OK that day. The P35-22 put three H&N Baracuda Match pellets into exactly one hole at 25 yards when I was screening pellets for it, would need one of those benchrest gauges to get the center to center. It did the same thing later with the other head size. I like the fact that it is short and light for carrying and hunting but it doesn't really help from the bench. I have not had the Caiman X 6 months yet. It is as short but over a pound heavier and is capable of much higher power. But the current tunes of both are about 32 fpe. I'd definitely choose the P35 over the Caiman if I had to choose but I like the Caiman. It is noticably better machined. But I did not love the price and I don't like the extra weight.

I shot the 200 with the Caiman yesterday with no warm up shots. I just sat down with a couple loaded magazines and shot. I do that normally with all my guns. The only reason I would not want to wait hours between shots is it takes so long. If they can sit overnight and still give me an X they can sit for a few hours between shots and still give me an X. I've tuned the Caiman most recently but it would not do that at previous tunes. I tried to turn it down to 880 fps and it just did not like that much. At it's 100 bar reg setting it will do 940. I was dialing it down a lot. But at 910 the first shot is consistently accurate. I've seen similar things on other guns. Having a dependable first shot is pretty important on a gun you may use for hunting/pesting.
I'd like to see some of these most accurate guns shoot a group with 5~ cold shots, meaning each shot has a waiting period of at least 4~ hours if not 24.

I'd be interested in that. First group on the left is my first shots out of the gun over night. First shot punched the little black dot out as it normally does.
I'd be interested in that. First group on the left is my first shots out of the gun over night. First shot punched the little black dot out as it normally does.

Or rather, just a bunch of random intervals between shots on the same group. 1 shot 24 hr wait, 2 shot 30 min, 3 shot 1 hr, 4 shot 4 hr, 5th shot no wait.

I doubt many will group as well as 5 in a row.

Tough call for me... my Vet was heavily modified previous to my ownership and I've not got it fully corrected yet but still a nice rifle...
I have a lot of contenders so in no particular order... USFT 177, EVOL 177, DS CRX ST, Theoben Rapid 17, Steyr LG100, DS Delta Wolf 20, DS RW 177 and 22, Sam Yang Golden Saver 7000 in 20, and JKHahn Majesty in 22... probably others not coming to mind...
I believe all are capable of 200 on the 30 yd challenge. Notice that there are no 25s or 30s 😮
They all remind me of how a rifle should shoot when I pick them up...
2 are particularly impressive on the number of times I've shot a 1 pellet hole size 5 shot group at 30 yds... the EVOL 177 and LG 100... SO pleasant to shoot and predictable...
Honorable mentions are the Wolverine R in 177, AA ProTarget, Sharp Ace Target, FX Tarantula in 22...
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