My most
consistently-accurate airgun (of many hundreds I've owned) is the latest evolution of my original Mac-1 QB77 Deluxe that cost $159 brand-new thirty years ago; now known (by me) as
The Most Improbable Slug Shooter On Earth. And although all that remains of the original QB77 Deluxe is the BARREL and bolt-action, the custom-stocked QB/Gauntlet hybrid consistently averages less than 1.20" five-shot groups at 100 yards with 16 and 20 grain H&N slugs at 28-30 foot pounds.
Although I've had a (very) few air rifles that once or twice averaged better groups, none did so with such
unerring REGULARITY as QB/G. A brief history-
I had the stock (above) custom built to my design by an old gunsmith in Fort Worth
in the late 1970s for a Crosman 160. The QBs being a(typical) Chinese rip-off of the Crosman 160, some thirty years later the stock found its roundabout way to the QB77; that (by then) had captured a Field Target National Champion title in a different, AR2078 stock-
Yes, the plaque says Second Place, but is a National Champion title. The crowned "champion" cheated, and is now banned from AAFTA competition for cheating.
Since the National Champion win, the 1970s custom stock went on the QB; whereupon it won its first AAFTA Field Target match against multiple AAFTA National and State Champions.
Last Christmas a buddy gifted me an Umarex Gauntlet; the Gauntlet being another, this time Chinese/
American conspiracy rip-off of the Crosman 160. The Gauntlet guts and a Ninja Flex reg allowed a long-sought power boost way beyond the 20 foot pounds I'd been seeking for decades.
Having never achieved decent accuracy with any slug in any airgun, for some inexplicable reason I decided to make a last-ditch effort to do so by trying slugs in QB/G. To my amazement she achieved what none others could- aforementioned CONSISTENT five-shot group-size averages under 1.20" center-to-center... consistent as clockwork.

Many groups go under an inch, some under 3/4";
none over 1.4". What? I said a
brief history?
I lied. But only about that. Otherwise the truth is fantastic enough for our purposes.
Besides, you couldn't make this stuff up. And I WOULDN'T make this stuff up.