Yeah, I guess I expect too much sometimes. Usually, if I do my part, the shot will be in the red.Both of your cold shots look pretty solid at 50y and outside with environmental factors in play.
What weight pellets?I just ran my regulated HFT 500 over the chronograph.
Ten shots average 880 and had three duplicates. The spread over ten shots was 5 fps with a standard deviation of 1.
definitely my most consistent gun I have ever tested.
I like boring when it comes to pcp air rifles!My pick would be a hard choice, as I have a few, but I'd say the Brocock Bantam Sniper HR .22. I never pick that gun up and shoot it, that it doesn't hit right where I left it zero'd and is an absolute laser. It is one of the best airguns I've ever owned. It's not complicated to work on. It doesn't leak, It just works, period. In some ways, you could say it's boring. You just never get any drama with it.
I have the Prophet also which is very accurate with pellets. Never have found a slug that did consistently well. I will get some of the 23gr H&Ns and see if they might do it. Thanks for the post.RTI prophet 2 performance w/ .22 RPB barrel.. hole in hole with 25.4 JSBs.
However, I prefer to use 23grn H&N slugs for their long range performance and energy retention abilities.. these don’t group as good as the pellets but are still MOA capable rounds at 955fps in my prophet!
I have the Prophet also which is very accurate with pellets. Never have found a slug that did consistently well. I will get some of the 23gr H&Ns and see if they might do it. Thanks for the post.
Do you know which barrel yours has ?