Heck yea man hit us back once you go out shootingI'm new to the site and have a AEA HP carbine in .22 en route. Looking forward to it.
You mean this Harpoon - https://airguntactical.com/products/aea-harpoon-airgun-long. Jeez I did not se this comingWhat did I just see…they released a harpoon gun or something?? Guess something to grab before the next whale watching expedition??
AEA airguns are manufactured in Spain.@estarkey7 I was referring to the Career 707, a Korean made air rifle. AEA are Chinese made to my understanding. My point was that although the Careers have a reputation as solid airguns overall, I read reviews where owners discussed some flaws and areas that some owners and airgun smiths improved upon using their own ingenuity.
@mduhon2021 I don’t know where you pulled that info quoted above, but please have a seat and take notes.They are legit, accurate and POWERFUL....they have the AEA Challenger Elite series which starts at .35, and goes up from there. They are $1000 plus options . They also have a budget line which is the AEA Challenger bullpups which are .30 caliber and below. These rifles are NOT regulated,-- but don't need to be for $499. Both are highly accurate. Someone here stated incorrectly these rifles were made somewhere in China. The company is in Spain.
AEA airguns are manufactured in Spain.
Explanation: AEA stands for "Air Arms España", which indicates that the company is based in Spain and produces their airguns there.
Key points about AEA airguns:
- Origin: Spain
- Focused on: Precharged pneumatic airguns
- FoxAirPower.com is one of many retailers who offer these legitimate rifles that pack a punch. I hope this helps.
The semis have had function/feed issues in the past, and I personally would choose something else.looking at a used AEA SF 30 cal for Coyote hunting within 50yards. Thoughts?
AEA does have some quality control issues, but from the Spanish Siesta times I think --lolSpain? You mean China lol