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When Airing Out Grievances Concerning a Vendor or Aftermarket Shop, Why Refrain from Naming the Offender?

A few things.

Perhaps we should have an "I have a complaint" sub-forum for that kind of threads because they always wind up here and devalue the rest of the content.

Of all the many forums that I've participated in over the years, this one far exceeds the others in the number of vendor complaints and disagreements.

We have to consider that we're all largely internet randos to one another here and not take each other too seriously.

Some people (largely the ones with poor people skills) will decide it's their sole purpose in life to make life hell for someone else because they can. They usually show up to make their case, garner sympathy and then disappear. Much (like the guy that wouldn't get along with Heather).

We is, what we is.


You have to consider that the actual members here, are NOT "randos" to each other like most of the visitor traffic and our opinions mean a lot to each other. We can't do anything about the trolls that wander in, but we do recognize them. We understand through years of talking to each other who is full of it and who isn't. If you stick around, you will too. I"m not worried about somebody out of the loop viewing what they consider to be an uncouth argument, and them thinking 'there goes the neighborhood,' -hardly. Members, future members, want to know what's going on. Honest, even if it's ugly to some, communication, is essential, or why bother showing up?
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I agree 100% and why I was highly annoyed with a certain thread and certain scope review channel on YouTube recently. It’s just a pointless rant without naming companies that no one cares about.
Stuff like that makes me wonder if the service provider is a member here and the OP is a veiled threat to get things right. Coming on a public forum and saying you got screwed and want to warn people but don't want to say who it is...........or asking what to do. We all know it's a venting/thread in some combination.
Plus add that some people are worried about providing too much info and getting themselves in a bind. In those cases I think the OP is only giving one, very jaded, side of the story. Unfortunately we often get the initial complaint but never the resolution.

It would be so easy to just post.....
I sent my rifle to "Insert name here" to have work done on it. He's had it over a year and has failed to respond to my inquiries. Has anyone who sent an item to him had a similar experience? Not really accusing of wrong doing but still getting info out there.
@TYLERHASKINS2 If the items are not returned then not saying anything makes sense? Once items are returned or a resolution is reached, not saying something to me says "I got my stuff. Good luck to the rest of you."
no im simply saying name dropping while your items are in the hands of sketchy people may not always be the best choice, especially if said sketch person is on this page, if it was me I would be name dropping as soon as my items are returned.
Real simple. Say something about a vendor (or anyone for that matter) that you cannot prove, get sued for liable and damages if the vendor can show loss of business. Bottom line, don’t let your alligator mouth overload your hummingbird ass!
Truth is the defense to defamation or liable suits. As long as you can prove your statement the offended party has no leg to stand on in court and would likely back off to avoid further harm.
Bottom line, if you don't have the proof and means to defend yourself in court you're better off keeping the opinion to yourself. If you have the proof and means and enjoy our legal process then give em hell if you feel the need. Countersuits happen every day.
It would be so easy to just post.....
I sent my rifle to "Insert name here" to have work done on it. He's had it over a year and has failed to respond to my inquiries. Has anyone who sent an item to him had a similar experience? Not really accusing of wrong doing but still getting info out there.
THIS ☝️☝️ is exactly how this issue should have been posted in the very beginning!!
It not only gets out a gentle warning to the membership, but also applies leverage to the offender to get there s"*t together.
I've seen/read it work before on this very forum. JMHO.
I agree 100% and why I was highly annoyed with a certain thread and certain scope review channel on YouTube recently. It’s just a pointless rant without naming companies that no one cares about.
LOL aren't you doing the same thing with your post here? Why not name the thread and YT reviewer you're so annoyed with???
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LOL aren't you doing the same thing with your post here? Why not name the thread and YT reviewer you're so annoyed with???
Already did in another thread but yes you are correct. Cannot remember the thread but Joe rheas YouTube channel. Not the hugest fan.
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sometimes we (l) get fired up and it ends up we are (I am) wrong,
I think this is the real thing. If I see someone complaining, but not naming names, I usually suspect there's more to the story than what's being said, and the poster is either at least partly at fault, or is uncertain of whether the problem is really with the <thing> or them.

In short, I pretty much ignore such posts. There's nothing useful (to me / us) in them anyway.

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I think this is the real thing. If I see someone complaining, but not naming names, I usually suspect there's more to the story than what's being said, and the poster is either at least partly at fault, or is uncertain of whether the problem is really with the <thing> or them.

In short, I pretty much ignore such posts. There's nothing useful (to me / us) in them anyway.

I think that’s only true when talking about disputes over the quality of merchandise. Sure, people are going to argue over what very good condition actually means or if a product develops a problem at some point after the sale and there are two sides to such issues.

When someone sends money or a gun and never receives anything back however that’s pretty black and white.