When I buy a gun it’s almost always defective- MANUFACTURERS PAY ATTENTION

Very good replies, and Spot on! Send the Garbage back for a refund. If enough do that, things may change.
The Boys across the Pond get it!
I agree with this 100%. Even if your gauge is crap, send it back. Let’s fill their websites with refurbs, then they’ll get the picture. If you get a new gun that appears used, send it back too. Parts that appear used, heard it many times, send them back. We have to stop being the dumbest consumers on earth.
I agree with @Scotay42, who in the 2nd post of this thread alluded to the importance of the dealer in the QC of the gun
When I bought my Crown MkII I comparison shopped obsessively
But threw all that out the window & bought from a dealer that had great feedback and recommendations in the Forum
We talked about my "wants " in the gun, and when it arrived it was not only defect free but tuned exactly as we had discussed.
Bought late last winter it has been shot every day without any issues.
And that (for the Never FX-ers) includes no POI shifts
I don't see anyone else mentioning names, so I will not do so
If it's permitted, let me know and I fess-up
Or just send me a PM

Just my too scents
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