Brocock/BRK When others go high ...

... I go low. 😬

As the photo below shows, this is how low I set the regulator on my .22 Ghost Carbine. Because the small, almost unreadable Huma gauge is notoriously inaccurate (Come on, BRK/Daystate -- stop cheaping out on parts on these guns for the price you charge for them!) compared to a MUCH bigger gauge on my compressor that gives a more believable reading, it registers around 20 - 25 BAR higher than the segment at which the needle is pointing, so the plenum pressure would be a more realistic 50 BAR or so. Anyway, with a power setting of "5" on the wheel, I'm shooting 14.3-grain CPHPs at 9 FPE (535 FPS) and I get around 320+ shots with an extreme spread of 20 FPS (over the entire 320-shot string) for backyard plinking fun. Anyway, just wanted to share.
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Nice job, I love low power airguns and high shot counts and calm shot cycles.... Basically everything you've got with your "tune."

Question about how your clocked the barrel to restrict transfer port size..... There's a flat -bottomed hole for the barrel grub screw....did you enlarge that hole(make it oval shaped)? Or are you just fixing the grub screw outside of the hole on the round outer circumference of the barrel?
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Nice job, I love low power airguns and high shot counts and calm shot cycles.... Basically everything you've got with your "tune."

Question about how your clocked the barrel to restrict transfer port size..... There's a flat -bottomed hole for the barrel grub screw....did you enlarge that hole(make it oval shaped)? Or are you just fixing the grub screw outside of the hole on the round outer circumference of the barrel?
The grub screw sticks out just a bit (like a maybe a millimeter) since the round, recessed groove on the barrel is no longer square. But it's not a problem at all as the screw is still able to secure the barrel. The set screw doesn't need to be tight to hold the barrel anyway.
... I go low. 😬

As the photo below shows, this is how low I set the regulator on my .22 Ghost Carbine. Because the small, almost unreadable Huma gauge is notoriously inaccurate (Come on, BRK/Daystate -- stop cheaping out on parts on these guns for the price you charge for them!) compared to a MUCH bigger gauge on my compressor that gives a more believable reading, it registers around 20 - 25 BAR higher than the segment at which the needle is pointing, so the plenum pressure would be a more realistic 50 BAR or so. Anyway, with a power setting of "5" on the wheel, I'm shooting 14.3-grain CPHPs at 9 FPE (535 FPS) and I get around 320+ shots with an extreme spread of 20 FPS (over the entire 320-shot string) for backyard plinking fun. Anyway, just wanted to share.
Come on, no excuses !
One of the first thigs that I did to my Ghost was to replace both of the semi-useless gauges.
