Daystate When was your DayState made and when was it sold?

Daystate has a data base of rifles tracked by their serial#s that goes back decades. The database URLfollows. You will need to register, but that's easy. All you need is the serial # of your rifle. Frequently these are prefixed by an alphabetical character string, but you can search simply using the serial # and figure out which specific series that serial # correponds to.

I own three Daystate rifles, all purchased from AOA, and out of curiosity compared the dates that daystate entered them into their database, along with the shot strings supplied by both Daystate and AOA. The eagle eyed will notice that the AOA sold date preceeds their test date by a few days.

Of greater interest: the Alpha Wolf I recently purchased was made in July 2022, but only tested by DayState in July 2024, and tested by AOA in December 2024. This might account for the $1k discount currently offered for the Alpha Wolf because apparently it's not selling well?

RifleDS DatabaseDayState TestAOA TestAOA Sold
Huntsman Regal 0.2205/30/2014NA06/2/02/201406/02/2014
Air Wolf MCT 0.2205/31/20165/14/201512/30/201612/19/2016
Alpha Wolf 0.3007/12/202207/17/2412/18/202412/16/2024
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