Your not listening,I shoot my sighter,get my zero,start shooting till I'm close to 8 ring,then shoot another sighter and adjust,shoot till I'm close to 8 ring,my fliers are going no farther than 7 ring,clock makes no difference. I'll be done shooting in 3 minutes depending conditions staying steady, once my barrel is heated,I have to keeping shooting every 15 seconds to keep gun to full potentials accuracy. I set up at home like anywhere else,if the winds not over ten mph, then I can keep every shoot inside the 8 ring hitting mostly 9s and 10s. If my pellets clips the green on the ten ring then I been counting that as a ten. Maybe I'm doing it wrong not going from center of pellets. Paper tore does not count,but I been counting it if it hits the green on ten ring. I get what your saying,but I tell you it's my set up that doing the preforming,I'm no special shooter or wind reader. My set up is special. Here's a complete mag at 100 yards in the wind. The pellet out side the group was a gust of wind. That's my drift.8mph wind on this group. That's 28 shoots of 30 cal8ber pellets at 100 yards on a windy day with no adjustment for the wind. I got my barrel hot,sl8d a mag in and shoot soon as reg refreashed,about every 15 seconds.
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