Where do you buy your pellets/slugs?


Long time no talk.
Thank you for the compliment, however, YOU are the one that puts together some incredible spreadsheets. I recall going through your scope spreadsheet and thinking; "Holy cow, that's a LOT of work Matthias!"
So, thank you for providing some incredible spreadsheets your own bad self!!


You are very kind, Mike.

I think the good attitudes and a spirit of helpfulness we find (mostly) on the forums inspires that kind of work. 😊

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You'll regret it...

Thier packing is HORRIBLE!
Midway fails 100% on pellet shipping. they sent me 4 tins of pellets loose in a bag, completely wrecked by the time they arrived. After extensive pestering, and sending photos, they decided to send 1 free tin to compensate for four tins where the bulk of pellets had dented skirts. I got a form letter from the owner apologizing! They sent that replacement in the same way and the pellets were wrecked again lol 😂 They then stopped responding to my email requests for compensation.
Picked up my will call order at PA this afternoon. This is the norm with PA in my experience.





Trenier has no discounts like get-4-pay-3.
But they have low prices to start out with.

⚠️ And the discount get-4-pay-3 only works in your favor if you buy projectiles that cost approximately the same price — because they only discount you the cheapest tins....
Otherwise, the every day low prices of Trenier are better.

do the ship free?
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I usually buy in bulk like 12 tins of 500 each .22cal, it saves me the cost of 3 tins + free shipping. Lead costs a lot to ship so big savings there too. Pyramyd has been my go-to for ammo for years. Personally, I have no complaints about their shipping or anything. Recently they also had another promo and I got another $25 off that same order.
what do you shoot those 22gr. pellets with and how do you like them?
I was at a friends house shooting my Evol .22 and he had a tin. They seemed to shoot really well so I got four tins to further test at my gun club. Probably get to club in next day or two to test between 10 and 50 yards, my normal pesting ranges.
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Using the Pellet Cost Spreadsheet....
Pyramyd - 12 tins of JSB 25.39 Deeps are .06592¢ each.
Trenier - 12 tins of JSB 25.29 Deeps are .06310¢ each.
Both include tax (if applicable) and shipping costs. Yes, Pyramyd price includes the 3 free tins.
Now if you spend enough, Pryamyd will ship for free, but the taxes are more, whereas Trenier charges no tax (used Kommifornia taxes BTW).
While the Pryamyd deal is sometimes good, it's not always....that's why I created the spreadsheet.
Is it a lot of difference, not really, however included over many tins per annum, it does add up.
Just sayin' that it's not always what it might appear to be until you dig down.
Sales are whole nuther issue tho!

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Using the Pellet Cost Spreadsheet....
Pyramyd - 12 tins of JSB 25.39 Deeps are .06592¢ each.
Trenier - 12 tins of JSB 25.29 Deeps are .06310¢ each.
Both include tax (if applicable) and shipping costs. Yes, Pyramyd price includes the 3 free tins.
Now if you spend enough, Pryamyd will ship for free, but the taxes are more, whereas Trenier charges no tax (used Kommifornia taxes BTW).
While the Pryamyd deal is sometimes good, it's not always....that's why I created the spreadsheet.
Is it a lot of difference, not really, however included over many tins per annum, it does add up.
Just sayin' that it's not always what it might appear to be until you dig down.
Sales are whole nuther issue tho!

I bought the 18gr JSBs and my math shows just under 3 cents a pellet delivered 6000 pellets ($178.59) tax included free delivery
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