N/A Where do you shoot from?

I shoot from my not quite finished yet front porch. 30 and 75 yards.




Looking out at the 30 and 75 yard backstops.

How much property are you on? i like it 👌🏼
Two and a quarter acres.
Your mostly looking at the front yard as the house is centered on the property making the back yard the same size only wooded. We have a gokart trail cut back there for the grandkids and we're slowly clearing and opening it up.
i like seeing all the nice shooting areas , lawns , gardens , suburban areas , and like most love the open lands for seemingly miles .
I also like my hidden range . the front yard is 40 x 300 and my house was built on the edge of the cliff so my range is just outside the basement wall and running along on a 40 degree slant of slippery slope . nobody see's it .
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