Scrounged and hunted for years for machinery that is in good enough condition to put work into. Repaired and rewired a lot of vintage electric motors. Kept an eye on eBay for certain parts that I needed. First thing is tear them down, clean them up and repaint with custom mixed original colors because I don't like my stuff to look like crap.Yes ...........
However, the real question is where did KWK get all those beautiful, vintage tools - Likely from the 1940's/50's?
Wow, you could make anything you wanted.
Found this at an auction covered in crud. Paid about $200. Started cleaning up and realized it was never even used to cut anything. Was special ordered from South Bend with custom made parts for winding thread on to bobbins. Left unused for many years. Had been scavenged for certain parts over the years but I found everything I needed to put it back original. About as close to new as you will find. I probably tied up about $1000 in it. Much less than people invest in a cheap Chinese POC with change gears.
Some other metal shapers I had and sold
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