N/A Where is everyone selling their springers

eBay. Foe toe shoot, list, pack, ship.
No endless messaging, no yackety yack yack for hours. And you often get more than Blue (WAG) Book.
Might not be good to accept pal pal next year. IRS will declare every nickel as income unless you have a receipt to deduct your investment.
Gee, what were all those additional agents for? eBay sellers......................? Hmmmm
eBay. Foe toe shoot, list, pack, ship.
No endless messaging, no yackety yack yack for hours. And you often get more than Blue (WAG) Book.
Might not be good to accept pal pal next year. IRS will declare every nickel as income unless you have a receipt to deduct your investment.
Gee, what were all those additional agents for? eBay sellers......................? Hmmmm
i already have a 1040 from ebay so they take plenty from me. lol
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Please post your guns here as well, preferably prior to Ebay. Give us a chance to purchase something before the fees and all are added on Ebay. It only sounds reasonable that if you participate in this forum, we should get first dibs. I always list here for at least a week before I will post something anywhere else. This is my home and family.
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Join an air gun club and become a respected member, it'll open doors. I've gotten some very nice deals from people in my clubs or people club members have referred me to. See it, handle it, try it, buy it......no tax, no shipping, no scammers, no worries. Works for both parties. Weeds out low-ballers too. I've often said I'll give it away free to someone deserving before I practically give it away to a low-baller.
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Join an air gun club and become a respected member, it'll open doors. I've gotten some very nice deals from people in my clubs or people club members have referred me to. See it, handle it, try it, buy it......not tax, no shipping, no scammers, no worries. Works for both parties. Weeds out low-ballers too. I've often said I'll give it away free to someone deserving before I practically give it away to a low-baller.
Great idea! I wish I were closer to an active club. I am driving several hours each way this weekend to hang out with a couple of other airgunners. I would love to do face to face exchanges. It would be great to have a day before or after EBR,RMAC,PAC etc. for a swap meet. Swap meets are frequently a part of car shows and are a great way to have fun and buy, sell, or trade.
Join an air gun club and become a respected member, it'll open doors. I've gotten some very nice deals from people in my clubs or people club members have referred me to. See it, handle it, try it, buy it......no tax, no shipping, no scammers, no worries. Works for both parties. Weeds out low-ballers too. I've often said I'll give it away free to someone deserving before I practically give it away to a low-baller.

I wish there was active airgun club where I live. The closest active club I have found is a three hour drive away. 🤬
I bought my last three springers used. This after I said, "I don't need anymore springers" and had a long standing personal rule to not by used guns. All came from this and another forum in some way.

My last one was an older 20 cal HW98 that someone got a great deal on in an estate sale. I caught a post where he commented he couldn't get used to the spinger recoil and might have to sell it. I messaged him and offered him a price that was good for both us and I got it.

The rifle before that was my 22 cal Hw95 Field Pro. It was listed in the classifieds. It was nearly new and the price was so great I could pass up the chance to try a 95 in 22. Very nice rifle and rings! The scope is deservedly used a wheel chock. I have my usual 3-9x40 Airmax on it now. Nice gun.

Before that gun was my 20 caliber Blue R9. It was offered as a trade for my green 97. I opted to buy the blue R9. I guess I'm sayin keep your ears and and eyes open around the forums and stuff you want will appear. Now I'm just waiting on a nice early 20 cal 77 or 77k to come along. Then I'll be done buying airguns:ROFLMAO:
Every post here is sensible advice, but I also think it good to be selective, and pay more but only buy the very best examples of whatever you can afford? Maybe is better to have a real nice Gamo than a rusty Wiscombe, if you cannot afford a really nice Wiscombe?...(yup, bit of exaggeration there to make the point! Of course if anybody has a rusty Anschutz LG54 send me a pm...:)
Every post here is sensible advice, but I also think it good to be selective, and pay more but only buy the very best examples of whatever you can afford? Maybe is better to have a real nice Gamo than a rusty Wiscombe, if you cannot afford a really nice Wiscombe?...(yup, bit of exaggeration there to make the point! Of course if anybody has a rusty Anschutz LG54 send me a pm...:)
I think you can make a good argument for either side on that. If you're buying a collectible gun that's not ever going to get knocked around then it probably makes sense to spend more money and get the most pristine example you can find, but if you're looking for one that's going to get used hard and put away wet or a project gun that's going to be modified then why not get the old banged up one for half the price?