FX Where to find a Barrel band?? i need a barrel band for my dreamline lite with 700cc carbon bottle.

Luckily Huma Air is relatively close to you compared to me. Be prepared to have to assemble the regulator yourself. Make sure you have the Belleville springs properly configured.

In .25 ive gotten great results from Zan and HN slugs even at relatively lower velocity.. 860-890. Wherever you find stability and great accuracy. Just hold her there. With the .25 slug liner I have on my gun I seem to have gotten a very good one. Any slug that the gun shoots well at the test velocity it has shot well at every velocity. I really got the power tune kit to shoot heavy mark 2s faster. Slugs retain energy and velocity much more effectively than pellets so them flying great at 890 was plenty pellets are just a touch more precise at best I was getting 34gr mk2 out the barrel at 855fps. I wanted 900 give or take and I got it, now my typical hunting/Pesting distances are covered.
and i need to replace the hammer and the port knob wheel (the wheel with .177-.22 and .25 and .30 settings or in us it may say low, medium and high)) but that should be easy or so the seller says..

the gun comes with smaller hammer and no port knob- it only has a blank with .177 opening to reach the stupid 5.5fpe allowed in germany..

but the high power components- the hammer and port knob wheel are included.. so first thing i will do is change these
Enjoy. You'll be plenty occupied learning the ropes. I'm going to bed now, late for me.. good night man!
i got a good question for you- i just read about the dreampup and its 80cc power plenum..

did you consider using that 80cc in your dreamline- yes or no and why?

i thought putting more then 2 plenums brings no more benefits because the dreamline is limited with the port size or valve system but the dreampup has maybe same internals as our dreamlines and only has that one thing going for it- the 80cc plenum instead of our 17cc plenum..

so how is it supposedly so strong with just that 80cc plenum addition and why not use it in our DL since we share same internals with the dreampup- or do we share same internals?
Enjoy. You'll be plenty occupied learning the ropes. I'm going to bed now, late for me.. good night man!
what's your take on this puppy??

Saves money over buying 2 FX power plenums
yes- but its perhaps too large for the valve system of our dreamlines... maybe the valve is larger on the dreampup to accommodate that much plenum air..

did not find any posts of some dreamline owners using it.. just curious.. i don't want it- 2 plenums more then enough for my taste
yes- but its perhaps too large for the valve system of our dreamlines... maybe the valve is larger on the dreampup to accommodate that much plenum air..

did not find any posts of some dreamline owners using it.. just curious.. i don't want it- 2 plenums more then enough for my taste
Don't think so. Plenum Air is just air that's at regulator pressure, post regulated reserve air. The valve dwell has more to do with the hammer stroke. I think it's more of an issue of aesthetics. Typically one plenum is fine. I just use two because I want to be sure I can get every bit of power available to me. I haven't seen much different between one or two. That's a good bit longer and would position your tank further forward. You asked if it would work, which, yeah, it would.
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Don't think so. Plenum Air is just air that's at regulator pressure, post regulated reserve air. The valve dwell has more to do with the hammer stroke. I think it's more of an issue of aesthetics. Typically one plenum is fine. I just use two because I want to be sure I can get every bit of power available to me. I haven't seen much different between one or two. That's a good bit longer and would position your tank further forward. You asked if it would work, which, yeah, it would.
yes- the guy from channel 910 gun repairs or something like that tested 1 and 2 plenums on his dreamline and showed the fps.. the second plenum did not change much but it did give 15-25fps (20fps on average) increase over 1 plenum only..

so for some this would be only 20fps and other as much as 20fps..

depends on what you're chasing but i will use 2 because the 20fsp extra might just do the trick with some slugs between working and not working..

good that i bought a pocket chrony from fx few years back- i will finally put it to good use besides just measuring fps of my crossbow arrows.