Where's all my Pennsylvania PCP shooters at ?

Did you look at the date of the quoted post? Maybe you were present when the PA Game Warden issued the warning, but then again, you weren’t.
At that time, hunting with air guns in Pennsylvania was illegal. Since then the PA Game Commission has ruled on allowing some types of hunting in PA with air guns.

In the future, please keep the rude and insolent comments to yourself.
he said no hunting anything , you could hunt rats and pigeons with airguns back then I was told by fish and game and did it on a few farms
It is my understanding you cannot hunt any animal of any kind ANYWHERE in the state of Pennsylvania. This comes directly from a PA Game Commission Officer. He explained to my brother we cannot even shoot a rat and if we did and he found out, we would be cited. Yeah PA Game Commission. :<(
The above is 100% incorrect. Squirrels, rabbits, groundhogs, sparrows and starlings may all be shot with an airgun in PA. Groundhogs are required .22 caliber or larger. Misinformation about PA Game Commission rules and regs, does nothing but hinder the PA airgun community. The PA hunters digest of rules and regulations is available FREE online. I suggest all PA airgunners to read it for themselves.

This "Guest" should stop spreading info he/she doesn't know anything about. I never have called anyone out in a post, but this just pisses me off. I don't care what your brother thought he heard from a "game commission officer". The facts are the facts, if you can read, you know its BS! Stop posting stuff you don't know anything about!!!!
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That’s why when someone revives an old topic, things get kinda comical. Guys start responding to guys who haven’t been on the forum in years. You can also tell when a new guy gets a certain gun. Topics dated back to the guns creation get revived. Since AGN updated the forum, gotta check those dates on the topics. On a positive note, at least they are doing a search. And some old topics that fade into oblivion are very informative.
Hey man I’m in Norwood about 20 mins from you. I have a fx wildcat .25 right now and a fx impact but I’m selling that right now, but anytime you wanna meet up maybe somewhere and shoot let me know man I don’t have no one that shoots like me. My buddy does but rarely so I’m up for making a day out of it anytime. My number is +16103337979 or reach me on here.
I’m in Ohio pa a hour or 2 depending on where I’m headed