Which chronographs are capable of calculating BC

Labradar (the original unit) *does* do BC. The new Labradar (similar to the Garmin) does not. Garmin also does not. No longer made, but the best BC measuring tool for the consumer market was the Oehler model 43 "Personal Ballistics Lab". There was a similar product made by someone else about the time Oehler stopped selling the '43, but I don't recall the manufacturer nor do I have any experience with that one.

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...The LX they make is the only one that does that.
I don't know all the Labradar revisions, I got mine - big orange - from second hand last summer.... for peanutz.
The original first FX rev.2 doppler radar I was using since somewhere in 2020 (I guess), and I needed exactly this BC calculation for my new to me reloading for f-class.