should be a screw that you remove to disassemble the magazine.. so what was the problem and solution? did you somehow get a 22 magazine with your 25 caliber gun?I just got a 25 cal 250Z . The bolt binds up using both the magazines. It will allow bolt to push pellet into barrel but can't push bolt all the way in so I can drop handle and shoot. It binds so bad I have to wrap a rope around the bolt handle close to the bolt body and forcefully yank on bolt to retract it. I'm thinking it is binding on the metal side of magazine where pellet enters barrel. I would hone that hole a few thousands if I could find out how to disassemble/reassemble the magazine. Loads fine with the single shot adapter.
I was sharing videos back and forth with a friend and there's one comparing the ma1 I think to the Barra.. not really even the same kind of gun.. anyway I pointed out to my friend that they were hitting the bolt pretty hard to close and then it appeared like it was hard to cock.. even so much that towards the end he was using his thumb for leverage.. good seeing it in action but the reviewer never mentioned having to slap the bolt closed or having a hard time cocking it but you could definitely see it on the video..
hopefully Barra will work it all out..I think they will, it's just barely been out and some companies try to rush things out..
it will be interesting to see if, or when the JTS bolt similar to this one and the FX DRS.. I've been watching for it, not that I plan on getting one but hey it's different and interesting to see..
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