Who is Familiar with FT Airguns Out of Denton, TX?

I'm just seeing this shop for the first time this morning. Took a little time to see that they have somewhat of a FB presence https://www.facebook.com/ftairguns/. I found one not so flattering review of the shop from an AGN member discussing a shady pricing tactic. This was posted about a year and a half ago https://www.airgunnation.com/thread...rience-with-ft-air-guns-out-of-texas.1284652/
Anyone else know anything about these folks? Who runs this shop?

Here's a link to their site. https://ftairguns.com/
They are semi local to me. Went there when my Terminator breech oring fell out, the owner claimed he could fix it, called days later and said he couldn’t. Turned out to not be a hard fix at all to do myself luckily! It was still worth the time to get to see/handle all kinds of airguns in person, rather than just watching the YouTube videos of them! I’m by no means an expert but the prices on everything seemed high.
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They are semi local to me. Went there when my Terminator breech oring fell out, the owner claimed he could fix it, called days later and said he couldn’t. Turned out to not be a hard fix at all to do myself luckily! It was still worth the time to get to see/handle all kinds of airguns in person, rather than just watching the YouTube videos of them! I’m by no means an expert but the prices on everything seemed high.
@LayetedOgre thanks for your input. Is there an actual brick and mortar store? Do you know who owns it?
Update: Surprisingly, I obtained enough information to not shop online twith his shop. However, I would shop at the store if I were in proximity to the brick and mortar shop and physically able to go in and handle the merchandise. Considering the way the info came from multiple sources and no one is saying much of anything publicly, neither will I. This primarily because I have no personal experience with this shop to speak of.
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