Who is Outside Shooting in Extreme Summer Heat?

Covered deck with fan. Letting m257 devour steel targets.



Although not as "extreme" temps here in So. Cal. as you're probably getting, the properties I get to hunt at are mainly agricultural. Lots of Avocado trees or big beautiful old oak trees whose bases are quite accustomed to my butt 🤪. No matter how hot it gets here it's never quite hot enough to stop me when I really want to get out. I try to limit my direct sun exposure as much as possible. This is the age (72) when they start taking us a piece at a time. I've already had 3 procedures for skin cancer (relatively minor) & a loving wife who won't let me forget it! I love sitting in the shade waiting for targets of opportunity to show.
It's 100-105 in New Mexico every day. Has been for six weeks. Will be for six more weeks.

During the days we sit in the oven and keep cool by the pilot light. About 5:30 we venture out in the heat. It will go below 100 as soon as the sun gets low.

My setup is standing in the blazing sun with a pellet gun. I shoot until the sweat drips off my elbows every day. I'm not sure why at this point. I had a good reason but I forgot what it was.
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The heat is bad, but we’re used to it. The problem this time of year in FL is the sun UV intensity. I have a pop up canopy that is a must. I also take frequent breaks. With a 1yo I haven’t had time for much shooting this summer, but that was my recipe in summers in the past.

I’ve been in FL for 20 years now. It takes a time once you move here to adjust. And that adjustment is knowing that you will always be sweaty
The heat is bad, but we’re used to it. The problem this time of year in FL is the sun UV intensity. I have a pop up canopy that is a must. I also take frequent breaks. With a 1yo I haven’t had time for much shooting this summer, but that was my recipe in summers in the past.

I’ve been in FL for 20 years now. It takes a time once you move here to adjust. And that adjustment is knowing that you will always be sweaty
been here since 1975, best winters in the country IMO but summers??? the older I get the more they suck!
been here since 1975, best winters in the country IMO but summers??? the older I get the more they suck!
For sure. Originally from Michigan, i will take shooting in the morning and evening in the summer, and all day in the not summer. Over northern summer shooting and then no shooting when it gets cold 😂
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The heat is bad, but we’re used to it. The problem this time of year in FL is the sun UV intensity. I have a pop up canopy that is a must. I also take frequent breaks. With a 1yo I haven’t had time for much shooting this summer, but that was my recipe in summers in the past.

I’ve been in FL for 20 years now. It takes a time once you move here to adjust. And that adjustment is knowing that you will always be sweaty

I'm not sure what is worse. Sea level under a blanket of humidity or 5000ft. altitude with 7% humidity. The sun is a powerful rascal.

It's more comfortable here for sure. I have experienced that tropical heat and its suffocating. Just sticky man. And trying to sleep is well...sticky too.

Here its nearly a mile high. The sun will grow cancer on a rock. The old timers get the tips of their ears whittled off regularly. They all look like Shrek.

I'm one big freckle.

When the sun comes up over the mountain it feels like needles in your skin. Raindrops burn like vinegar when a few decide to fall. The surface of the ground can be 130 degrees on a hot day. Reflections sunburn your armpits and fry your retinas.

As soon as the sun goes down its really nice though. You sleep with a cool breeze every night. You almost dread to see that sun crest the peaks in the morning though.
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We seem to be on an improving trend here in South Carolina. I am at about 360 feet above sea level here so the air is not thin but summers are not our best time of year. Temperature is usually under 100 but occasionally goes over but the dew point can get over 80 degrees. Very humid. The combination pushes our "feels like" temperature over 110 often in the summer. But we are expected to have lows back into the 60s for much of next week with highs in the 80s. So hopefully the worst is over but another really hot week will probably happen.

My shooting is based more on the wind than the temperature. The side porch I shoot from (to get more distance) is covered and I mostly shoot from a bench. The other place I shoot from is the back porch which is also covered. That helps a lot with the sun but the direction of the sun can also be an issue. Recently the wind has been the least in the morning but the sun is in my eyes in the morning. So it's good for wind and temperature but I also need to be able to see. If it's cloudy it's a go. If its not, usually not. Mornings and evenings tend to have the least wind so they are normally when I shoot. I need a nice low wind evening to see if I can't get a 200 target on the 30 yard challenge. Tonight we should dip under 10 mph after 7pm so I'll probably try then but I'd really rather it was under 5 mph. Sometimes I just shoot the "know your limits" target from the back porch (25 yards) to get a little shooting in. I practice shooting it off hand and from a bipod. Any shooting is better than no shooting.
West Texas checking in , My deck has a tin roof that makes a oven like,, But I have a small table set up with the sides blocked off and a A/C plugged in that I put ice water in before shooting, Its a dry heat so I can get by with the evaporative A/C, Sometimes I may even put my ice vest on with the A/C running,,
I checked out that Paradise post , Wow that looks cool, Humide but cool,,
The nice backyard ranges with decks and landscaping are super sweet. Beyond awesome! Benches, rests, nice targets. Cool rifles. Very impressive!

Meanwhile I'm testing the theory that sun stroke makes you a better shot. Standing in a sand pit with a cheap springer and a bunch of jacked up plastic dinosaurs.

I actually feel a tear welling up in my eye.