Who is Outside Shooting in Extreme Summer Heat?

Here in Arizona, we shoot all the time, year round.

We shoot a TRAC match (Tuesday Retired Airgun Challenge) every Tuesday morning at Ben Avery range. We will meet at 7:00 am, set the course, and start shooting competition by 8:00 am. ("WE"= Airgunners of Arizona)

Our secret? We shoot using a covered firing line canopy that gives us protection from the sun and from rain, when we occassionaly get that wet stuff. Being that we are in AZ, we don't get that oppressive humidity as happens back east.

Trick to shooting in warm weather; get shade over your head, wear light, loose clothing, and HYDRATE constantly.

When not shooting on Tuesdays, I shoot at home, across my patio, but with a shade cover over my head. it is no big deal, just something to get used to.

NOTE; you will notice a difference in POI when shooting in warmer temps, but that is what you have an elevation adjustment turret for. Adjust as needed and keep on shooting.

Other than that, enjoy......
Yep....Hot and miserable here in the sunny south...Florida...In Lakeland where we were escaping the most recent hurricane, the day after the storm, according to the official Tampa weather folks...We had a dew point temperature of 84* with a heat index of 112*...at like 8:00 in the morning, never saw anything like it. On the positive side, the hot humid dog days provide some of the best shooting conditions that can be had...dead calm morning and evening....DEAD CALM!!!! If you can stand the sweat and bugs....I've shot some outstanding groups over the last few weeks not having to fight the wind...even submitted my first 30yd challenge card as I'm no wind doper, might as well been inside it was so calm. I can take the sweat but wiping down the guns takes on a whole new meaning in this climate....I.bathe my guns in MP5 for decades never any issue. Really is amazing to me how much influence wind has on pellets. Note this 5 shot group at 52 yds with a Steyr Pro X in DEAD CALM conditions...Oh...and the heat keeps an old man's
bones from hurting so much...unlike the cold.
My stoopid ass was doing it yesterday (103° in the shade), while sitting under my patio umbrella with a fan blowing a torrent of furnace felt heat on me. Hadn't shot my Prod or Notos in a while so I thought, why the hell not. Couldn't remember what pellets I had them tuned for so I had to go thru my stash again to find out. Then brought out the Crown Mkii for a while, since I have the .22 cal kit installed as well. Along about the time I decided to call it coz it was so damn hot, it decided to cloud up good and get ready to rain. As soon as I packed my table inside, the bottom fell out....
Lol I live in Eastern WA and we get both extremes can have 110+ in summer and below zero in winter. Avg I'd say is 90s for highs in summer and winter highs is 30s. But definitely way colder and hotter at times. If it's bad either way I don't shoot lol. I'm outside all day and the last thing I want to do it either sweat or freeze my you know what off if I don't need to be outside. In the avg Temps not a problem but the extremes no thanks.
I shoot every day no mater the heat ! but here in Southern central Kentucky heat is 90% under 95 degrees / "feels like " 100 ,105 ) although i have always wondered how "they" know how i feel
my range starts under the screen porch and just outside the wall of the basement / ceiling fan if i need it .

I know i feel with my hands 😎
I shoot every day no mater the heat ! but here in Southern central Kentucky heat is 90% under 95 degrees / "feels like " 100 ,105 ) although i have always wondered how "they" know how i feel

I know i feel with my hands 😎

Those wind chill and heat factors are kinda funny.

I think there should be a "miserability" factor.

When the heat is increasing or staying steady its miserable. It's more miserable at 98 when it's getting hotter than it is at 102 when it's cooling off. Add a breeze and it's infinitely less miserable. Add a beer and miserability nears zero.
Weatherman said today would be the hottest day of the forecast period. Fortunately I have a canopy over my shooting benches, with shade cloth hanging on the back to keep the sun off us when shooting. I think that it nearly hit 82F this morning. Have to go out and continue now after lunch. Fortunately the sea breeze has already kicked in and temps have backed off to 78F and are heading down.;)
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I'm in southeast Ontario, Canada. We're seeing temperatures in the mid 80's a lot of days this summer and there's been an unusually high amount of rain.

It's not as hot as what many are seeing but as someone who prefers temperatures in the 60's I spend the hottest parts of the day hiding in the basement, shooting at my "winter" indoor 10 meter range.

Wind is typically calm early morning and in the evening so I take advantage of the shade and cooler temperatures to shoot then. If the sun shows over the trees and it's still calm I'll put up a patio umbrella if I want to continue shooting.

Usually the heat and humidity will drive me indoors. I'm lucky, with the range in the backyard I can step out for a quick session when conditions are reasonable, no point in suffering the heat.

Still, I'm looking forward to the fall when a nice day starts with frost on the ground 🙂

I'm in southeast Ontario, Canada. We're seeing temperatures in the mid 80's a lot of days this summer and there's been an unusually high amount of rain.

It's not as hot as what many are seeing but as someone who prefers temperatures in the 60's I spend the hottest parts of the day hiding in the basement, shooting at my "winter" indoor 10 meter range.

Wind is typically calm early morning and in the evening so I take advantage of the shade and cooler temperatures to shoot then. If the sun shows over the trees and it's still calm I'll put up a patio umbrella if I want to continue shooting.

Usually the heat and humidity will drive me indoors. I'm lucky, with the range in the backyard I can step out for a quick session when conditions are reasonable, no point in suffering the heat.

Still, I'm looking forward to the fall when a nice day starts with frost on the ground 🙂

80 is Plesant down here:giggle:
Middle of Minne-snow-ta checking in.

This Sumner, we have had weeks of 80°s with dew points in the high 70°s to low 80°s in the mornings when I shoot.

We will hit 100° in the summer in July and will hit -40°F in late January.

Shooting outside stops in November and begins in April. The 10m indoor range is used in the winter.
I'm in southeast Ontario, Canada. We're seeing temperatures in the mid 80's a lot of days this summer and there's been an unusually high amount of rain.

It's not as hot as what many are seeing but as someone who prefers temperatures in the 60's I spend the hottest parts of the day hiding in the basement, shooting at my "winter" indoor 10 meter range.

Wind is typically calm early morning and in the evening so I take advantage of the shade and cooler temperatures to shoot then. If the sun shows over the trees and it's still calm I'll put up a patio umbrella if I want to continue shooting.

Usually the heat and humidity will drive me indoors. I'm lucky, with the range in the backyard I can step out for a quick session when conditions are reasonable, no point in suffering the heat.

Still, I'm looking forward to the fall when a nice day starts with frost on the ground 🙂

60 degrees i would be wearing a long sleeve flannel shirt if no wind , if windy i would have maybe a light vest on