EDgun Who wants the beloved Leshiy Classic back????

Who wants the beloved Leshiy Classic back????

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Yes, it fits a nice niche indeed. I like many things about the Leshiy Classic, more so than the Leshiy 2. IMHO, wish they had a middle iteration between the classic and the leshiy 2 that was NOT semi-auto. I just can't bring myself to part with the Leshiy Classic, but that is a completely different story with the Leshiy 2 experiences I've had. Taking offers on my L2!
I’ll take any opportunity to write an LC love letter, but I’ll be honest too.

Given that they go so quickly on the classifieds, often for what folks paid for them originally, I’d say there is certainly a solid demand.

That said, and I love mine, theres certainly some Yin and Yang.

First, Leon’s point about the single shot. LOL some would argue that a good shot needs only one but that’s not fair. On the flip side, you can swap caliber almost as fast as loading a pellet, so for me it’s a truly versatile gun, much more so than an FX. Moreover, a very simple platform to fix or adjust and solid as a rock if you’re traveling, banging it around on the trail or needing to club a Sasquatch.

Next, the trigger is different and for me, unacceptable in stock form. Actually quite easy to fix to become a decent two stage, but if rereleased it should be revisited by Edgun.

Love the compact and robust nature but at higher power the folding turns it into a jumpy gun. Capable of 60+fpe in .30 but good luck maintaining a poi as it tries to unfold during the shot.

Definitely a niche AG, but the proof of the pudding is in the eating. I’ve taken more pests with the LC in the past few years than anything else, mostly because it’s a terrific .177 small slug shooter and astonishingly quiet. Yeah, just one shot but it’s always a good un. Would never sell it and because of its versatility, there’s no need for a second LC.