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Who’s the King of 100?


Nov 6, 2016
Colorado, United States
I’m wondering how many might be interested in a 100y pellet match that is solely designed to pinpoint the best 100y pellet shooter?

The following is a short list of key differences in the format in comparison to the other 100y matches.

1. No big money, no hype, no side events…just a 100y pellet tournament designed to remove as much chance factor as possible so the best shooter can emerge.

2. Tournament held on the Coors BR range at NRA Whittington Center in Raton, NM. The range has 80 concrete benches and an uninterrupted landscape surrounding it.

3. The tournament would consist of 9 cards from each competitor. The total score of the 9 cards is the grand aggregate that will be used to determine the winner.

4. Shooters will rotate benches after each card. Rotation distance will be approximately 1/9th of the range for each card.

5. Each card will be hung inside the building after scoring for all to see. There will be a protest period so anyone can contest a bull that they believe to be in error so it can be re-examined by a three person panel in plain view of the person requesting. 

6. If after 9 cards there is a tie for first place….ALL competitors will shoot another card and a new grand aggregate of 10 cards will determine the winner. This will go on until there is no tie for 1st place.

7. The tournament will be limited to one relay, so all shooters will be on the line at the same time for every card.

8. Limited to max .30 caliber factory produced pellets. Targets scored with a .350” plug. Tethering allowed.

This thread is simply meant to gauge interest in the idea and see if there are enough guys out there to make a go of it.

wish i was closer .. me and the stormrider would be takin over lol


Thanks everyone for the response so far. The Whittington Center has onsite housing for several hundred competitors at very reasonable costs. Also RV sites and 2 campgrounds on the premises. You can check it out, here.


If there is enough interest to make this happen…I would propose a crown or cup for the winner that must passed on to the next winner or retained by performance at the next annual event. Kinda like the Stanley Cup. Would do some awards that can be kept as well.
