N/A Why a pistol?

Besides them being handy, it’s about the challenge. Just about anyone can shoot a rifle or a pistol turned into a dwarf rifle. Pistol? Different story. In powder burner land I’ve pursued about everything huntable in North America with a handgun. It was a rewarding itch that had to be scratched. I was once asked while hunting black bear, what happens if you see one and can’t kill it with your pistol but could with a rifle? I said I will get off my butt and try to kill it. If not, oh well. Sometimes it’s not about sheer success. It’s about the process. That’s what pistol guys must embrace. Have to be ok with a higher failure rate.
Pistol shooting is different than rifle shooting and I like to keep my skills sharp with both. The convertibles don't really interest, though I have seen some very nice wood carbine stocks for various pistols that look fantastic. I wanted to shoot a pistol, so I bought a pistol. I have rifles, so I don't need a pistol to double as one. Not everyone is in the same boat, though.
When you get right down to it, how many of us actually need any airgun? Some of us undoubtedly live in rural areas and find them somewhat necessary for pest control, but aside from those individuals most of us just have them for target practice, hunting or as part of a collection. But even those individuals that regularly need to take out rats in the barn or rabbits in the garden would still do perfectly fine with only one or two airguns. No one ends up with two dozen airguns because they actually needed them.

Bottom line is that we're doing this just because it's fun. For some reason our lizard brain likes it.

Now with a powder burner I would argue that a pistol is actually the most essential gun that you can own for self defense. Unless you're a soldier in a war zone you're not going to be able to carry a rifle with you most of the time. So if you do take the possibility of having to defend yourself with a firearm seriously then being proficient with a pistol is definitely a skill you want to have and plenty of practice with air pistols is one way of developing that skill.

Myself, I just love to shoot, but what I don't love is driving two hours out into the national forest and then shooting on a clearcut with a 40 degree slope to it or driving 1/2 an hour to the local range and putting up with the gangster wannabes or the range nazi that's there to keep them from doing something stupid. With airguns I can shoot every weekend and in my basement whenever I want and I don't go broke or deaf in the process.
Extreme FT pistol match - 10 yrds to 55 yrds
While well versed in pistols being held single or double hand, I do have a major attraction to shooting Field target pistols even tho most now days are largely rifle conversions that fit within the established AAFTA pistol definition rules.

No matter what the gallery thinks about this converted rifles to pistol thing, they shoot great as such requiring there own refined technique to shoot well.
Come end of the day, ANY day shooting the variation of what is a "Pistol" ... if they were easy to shoot accurately, most who shoot them would be marksmen but sadly many are not :unsure: There fun and challenging and for most that is all the reason they need to enjoy shooting one.
I like pistols more than rifles because for me they are easier to shoot,of course you need to develop a different skill level,\.They are Handy,you can buy a more accurate PCP pistol than rifle,you can customize the pistol to your taste easier,They take up less ,Room,they are easier to fill.Yes pistols are great,forget butt stock,your other hand is your support.:unsure:
If you like knocking around cat food cans , pill bottles, soup cans at 15-25 yards , a pistol is a lot of fun . Even some target shooting is fun when looking for accurate pellets. Well worth 230 bucks . The upper left was 16g Polymags.
