N/A Why a pistol?

I love my GK1! If I could do it all over, I'd never have bought any pcp rifles! I'm a pistol shooter thru and thru with over 20 years of IHMSA competition under my belt and I'm sure I've shot well over 100,000 rounds thru our powder burners. Why the GK1? Its as close to the T/C Contenders, Encores and G2's we shot in competition as I can get! I can shoot on my basement range, in my buddy's back yard, not legal to shoot in the city I live, although much easier to walk around the yard with the GK1 and not a rifle. :p Way cheaper to shoot than reloading for my powder burners and just fun, fun, fun! :cool:
When you get right down to it, how many of us actually need any airgun? Some of us undoubtedly live in rural areas and find them somewhat necessary for pest control, but aside from those individuals most of us just have them for target practice, hunting or as part of a collection. But even those individuals that regularly need to take out rats in the barn or rabbits in the garden would still do perfectly fine with only one or two airguns. No one ends up with two dozen airguns because they actually needed them.

Bottom line is that we're doing this just because it's fun. For some reason our lizard brain likes it.

Now with a powder burner I would argue that a pistol is actually the most essential gun that you can own for self defense. Unless you're a soldier in a war zone you're not going to be able to carry a rifle with you most of the time. So if you do take the possibility of having to defend yourself with a firearm seriously then being proficient with a pistol is definitely a skill you want to have and plenty of practice with air pistols is one way of developing that skill.

Myself, I just love to shoot, but what I don't love is driving two hours out into the national forest and then shooting on a clearcut with a 40 degree slope to it or driving 1/2 an hour to the local range and putting up with the gangster wannabes or the range nazi that's there to keep them from doing something stupid. With airguns I can shoot every weekend and in my basement whenever I want and I don't go broke or deaf in the process.

Perfectly stated. AND it’s fun and easy to tote around if desired.
Because they're the mostest coolestest and challengingest man toys I can afford to buy, feed and maintain. Oh... and they're also LEGAL.


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Skills practiced with an air pistol can be carried over to powder burners. Many air pistols mimic the weight of their powder burner counterparts and some even have slide recoil. Compare the cost of 50 rds of 9mm to 500 pellets. As mentioned before, you can practice in your basement or garage with an air pistol but you would need to go to a range to shoot a 9mm or .45.
I will echo what others have said here - pistols present a unique challenge and I have always enjoyed keeping it simple. I have about 35 yards available to me at my home and at that range shooting off hand with a pistol can be either fun or challenging or both to whatever degree i want. Love the PP 700, been shooting that for years before getting the gk1. Greatly enjoy shooting both of those guns!
Ahhhhh- You're the guy who made the cut off brocock into a pistol. Thought that thing looked cool.

Love the snakeskin grips on that other one ha ha
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This is a great thread!!

After the initial GK1-Wow! period, I had just to rethink WHAT FOR EXACTLY I wanted a GK1.

This thread is helping me think through things — and also about related questions like:
▪ scope choice (iron sights, dot sight, or pistol scope, or rifle scope).
▪ hold of the gun (one outstreched arm, or both, or best stability hold).

Here are a couple of reasons WHY a shooter might want a PISTOL instead of a rifle/ bullpup — even if he will not shoot the pistol the traditional firearm way with outstretched arm/s — but instead shoot the pistol field rested and with a rifle scope for longer ranges:

🟠 A shooter might want to shoot a gun that can be holster carriedto be ready to shoot at a moment's notice.
The gun would be carried in a chest holster or in a hip holster.

▪ The gun could be carried while hiking, golfing, biking, motorcycle riding, or while working outside or in barns and other locations where prey could be expected.
▪ Or the gun could be carried as coup de grace gun: to finish off wounded but not dead prey at close range.

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