I usually don't post in this sub-forum of AGN — for reasons that will become apparent.
However: I want to express to you my sentiment:
I am truly sorry that the situation in the field of spring guns is that bad, with so few choices, and not with the looks that many here appreciate.
It is less than half a dozen years ago I surfed the interwebs for WEEKS, trying to assemble a list of
springers that:
• Looked the way I like a modern gun to look like (i.e., what this sub-forum likes to denounce as "tacticool"

• had the power I wanted, and
• were at a price I felt affordable.
There were VERY FEW springers that met my criteria at the time — and
my search for "THE gun" was an exercise in frustration.
➔ So, I understand you! And I'm sorry that springer manufacturers are not catering to both sides of the
Traditional-vs.-Modern divide in our airguniverse....
One idea: If several shooters could agree on a certain guns that you'd like a different stock for — maybe you could
make a mass order with a stock manufacturer, even source a stock maker in a country where labor is less costly (a company or a self-employed woodworker).
Another idea: Maybe the same stock manufacturer, or self-employed woodworker, could modify your current stock to make it more to your liking. Especially those stocks that come as slimmed down 2x4's would seem to have plenty of excess wood to work with.
Good luck!