Why cant fx ship the power plenum?

I email them I wanted to buy their new plenum. They said they cant ship it and i have to send in my gun. They said they will email me back cause they are busy with all the folks who also wanted the upgrade. That was beginning of this month. Now it's the 20th and no email back yet. My question is why cant fx just ship them to the customers? It would save time and also labor cost and shipping cost both ways. I know huma ships it to Europe customers for about 130 euro. But not to the US. Is fx scared people cant install it and will sue fx when they do something stupid and get hurt and blame fx bad quality control on their items? Most of us have watch ernest and others youtuber and we know how to take our guns apart and fix them. Also we can order parts and the old stock plenum with no issues. So why is the new plenum a issue for customers to install and buying other parts that also require taking the gun apart and reassembling it not a issue? If safety is the issuse. Wouldnt we have to send in our gun each time it wont cock, wont shoot, low fps, bad c3 ring, leaking, need new o rings, bad valves, etc?
I'll take a guess.

Installing the power plenum is highly technical. I've torn my Impact down to every last nut and bolt, and O-Ring. From the parts list, installing would be way beyond most home Airgun shooters ability. Frankly, I'll drive mine to UAG and let them install it. Having replaced / repaired most of the parts I see in the pictures, I'd rather have them do it. 

Considering the high probability of the average person lousing up the job, and the costs involved with repairing the damage done, I think FX is wise to ensure this upgrade is done in house or at a certified repair facility like UAG.

Just my opinion, but this is a complex upgrade, and it ain't no game for the inexperienced! I really don't want to do my own.

I'll take a guess.

Installing the power plenum is highly technical. I've torn my Impact down to every last nut and bolt, and O-Ring. From the parts list, installing would be way beyond most home Airgun shooters ability. Frankly, I'll drive mine to UAG and let them install it. Having replaced / repaired most of the parts I see in the pictures, I'd rather have them do it. 

Considering the high probability of the average person lousing up the job, and the costs involved with repairing the damage done, I think FX is wise to ensure this upgrade is done in house or at a certified repair facility like UAG.

Just my opinion, but this is a complex upgrade, and it ain't no game for the inexperienced! I really don't want to do my own.

Not saying fx shouldn't offer it to be install by a professional. I'm saying fx should offer it be to install by the customers who knows what they are doing. And for customers who aren't confident in installing it. Lots of people who want more power can buy power kit to install themselves or even send their guns in and have ernest power it up for them. So same should be done with the new plenum. It would cut wait time drastically cause a fraction of the customers will just order the plenum while some will send in their gun and have a professional do it.
It must be frustrating for technical, tool oriented people, but FX is probably protecting customers and their reputation. If it isn't an easy install, or requires custom tools, then 99% of their user base won't do it right. The 1% who could do it right would encourage the others who couldn't do it right to attempt it themselves, and probably end up with an undesirable result.
It must be frustrating for technical, tool oriented people, but FX is probably protecting customers and their reputation. If it isn't an easy install, or requires custom tools, then 99% of their user base won't do it right. The 1% who could do it right would encourage the others who couldn't do it right to attempt it themselves, and probably end up with an undesirable result.

Do you own a fx impact? I'm pretty sure you dont own one cause you dont seem to know anything about it. I have tear my fx impact apart many times and i can tell you, you do not need any special tools. The impact can be taken apart with a alen wrench. And your claim only 1% does it right? I'm no professional but I can take my impact apart and put it all back with no problems. Also many members on here have taken their impacts apart and able to out back no problem. First time I took it apart I was worry it would be too difficult and I dont messed up. But after taking it apart and seeing how each peice works. It's a peice of cake. Ask anyone who taken their impact apart. They will tell you it's simple as peeling an apple.
It must be frustrating for technical, tool oriented people, but FX is probably protecting customers and their reputation. If it isn't an easy install, or requires custom tools, then 99% of their user base won't do it right. The 1% who could do it right would encourage the others who couldn't do it right to attempt it themselves, and probably end up with an undesirable result.

Do you own a fx impact? I'm pretty sure you dont own one cause you dont seem to know anything about it. I have tear my fx impact apart many times and i can tell you, you do not need any special tools. The impact can be taken apart with a alen wrench. And your claim only 1% does it right? I'm no professional but I can take my impact apart and put it all back with no problems. Also many members on here have taken their impacts apart and able to out back no problem. First time I took it apart I was worry it would be too difficult and I dont messed up. But after taking it apart and seeing how each peice works. It's a peice of cake. Ask anyone who taken their impact apart. They will tell you it's simple as peeling an apple.

Like George Carlan said, think of the average person you know, and then realize 50% of them are stupider than that. I don't have an Impact, my budget stopped at a Dreamline. I have taken it mostly apart, and I'll be damned if it wasn't a million times easier than my marauder.

I'm really happy for you that you are so confident and competent, but please do not take my comments as a personal attack, it was nothing more than speculation.

I do, though, think you meant to type "allen", "don't", and "piece". Hopefully your prowess in grammar and spelling can one day equal your prowess in airguns.
Why is it called an Allen wrench?

Answer: It isn't. It's called a “hex socket key” (hex short for “hexagonal”). The hex key, or at least its means of manufacture, was devised by the AllenManufacturing Company of Hartford, Connecticut, and patented in 1910. It was produced as the companion piece to the company's hexagonal socket screws.Apr 25, 2013

Why is it called an Allen wrench?

Answer: It isn't. It's called a “hex socket key” (hex short for “hexagonal”). The hex key, or at least its means of manufacture, was devised by the AllenManufacturing Company of Hartford, Connecticut, and patented in 1910. It was produced as the companion piece to the company's hexagonal socket screws.Apr 25, 2013

I did t know that one!

I guess it's like bubble wrap, jet skis, and Kleenex!
