Why did you get into PCP airguns?

I've been into airguns for around 30 years i guess. My awesome mother got me a springer bb pistol when i was 7ish for Christmas and it was love ever since. I've been shooting springers off and on pretty much my whole life . I've only been shooting pcps for a few years now and I'm mad that it took me so long to do so. I guess i was scared of the cost of everything that goes along with it and i don't make a ton of money being a chef. I'm now who knows how many thousands into it and I'm shooting more than i have ever in my life these past few years. So much more fun in my opinion and not to mention cheaper than firearms. Those sit and collect dust while i shoot pcp pretty much every day. 
Why PCP? I've been into airguns for 55 yrs. Even though I've owned many nice Euro springers, I wasn't consistent enough with them for humane pesting. Then I remembered how accurate I was with my old Sheridan Blue Streak .20. So, trying a PCP was a natural step. In my old, feeble hands, a $200 Maximus out-shoots an expensive high-powered springer every time.

Also with springers, cost and weight usually increase as power increases. With PCPs it's easy to find a hard-hitting (22+ fpe) gun that is light weight and inexpensive. And did I mention accuracy?
...mostly to stop destroying scopes but then the other attributes became pretty obvious...

...I have been shooting pellet guns all my life and appreciate where they fit into the general scheme of things...

...I have not had the opertuitiy to discharge a fire arm in three years now...I shoot pellet guns pretty much every day...

...the last time I did any "real" shooting it was to qualify as an armed guard...
As a boy I had a great time with bb guns, got into powder burners, and shot for years. As the cost of Ammo, and the lack of area to shoot other then a range, I got a break barrel, liked it so much that I was shooting it more than my other Rifles I got a Sig virtus pcp as a gift, . Now I shoot daily for alot cheaper, and do it at home.
To keep a long story short, my Benji pump was losing power and I really wanted the convenience of not having to pump the rifle each time. Picked up a Disco, and that was the end of me! The Disco didn't get a lot of action, but the follow-up Condor SS certainly did, and is probably my most-used airgun. I bought a tank and a compressor and (significant fast forward) several high end PCPs. In some ways I miss the days of tinkering with, and shooting, the Condor. Life was simpler then...