Why Did You Join AGN?

Simple question. For me there is not much to it. I bought a Bulldog from Airgun Depot. It was my first PCP. I bought it in a package deal and a few items in the package were out of stock. In trying to replace an item the sales reps was kinda talking over my head. I guess it was obvious that I didn’t know much. Somewhere in the conversation she mentioned Airgun Nation. One day I looked up the site, perused the threads, and after a while I decided to join. I’ve pretty much been here ever since. How about you?
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I was on the yellow forum (Chinese air guns sub forum) years ago as I was gifted a B19 177 cal.. wasn't much of a springer but it started the addiction.. got to hanging out on the yellow on the main forum looking to upgrade... Years after that the GTA was started and I hung out there...( The yellow was beginning to become not a fun place) after awhile I quit forums altogether as I move on to other hobbies (still kept my beloved air rifles) later as my kids grew into young adults getting married starting families of there own I got back into air rifles (I never stopped really shooting them..I always squirrel hunted with them) as my kids were gone opening up a bit more play money... looking to get into some upper end air rifles I found AGN.... Lurked for quite some time and began to participate some.. so here I am just as ignorant as I started but having myself a great time!
Just bought first PCP, Umarex Gauntlet, which was way longer and heavier than expected, and a Chinese handpump, which overheated due to missing coolant, figured I better find a place with like-minded folks who might offer some help. Lurked a few months, was so impressed with Biohazardman's kind patience answering member questions, decided to join and tell him so. The rest, as they say, is history. WM
My chosen hobby...sport for retirement entrainment. To continue learning about the sport and various platforms. Just generally a place to spend time with people of like minds, that's was five and a half years ago...and thanks to AGN and the many people I've met I'm just as passionate about the hobby as when I joined!
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I'd been into PCP'S for a couple years. I moved from my entry-level, "learning curve" guns to higher tier equipment. At 1st I thought I might be doing something wrong because my guns required so very little care & maintenance I thought I might be creating problems down the road. Had lots of "Newbie" questions. From the very start I found members here to be incredibly patient, informative & non judgmental. I wanted to be connected to like minded people with shared
interests from whom I could learn. AGN did that for me! I LOVED that politics was taboo here (for the most part) & have always felt this to be a safe haven from how screwed up the "real world " has become. I've made some great friends, hunting companions & kind, giving souls who are as eager as I am to help others in need experience the joy of this activity. AGN has given me SO MUCH MORE than I ever expected & I hope, in some small way, I've given back. It's given me so many opportunities to be of service to my fellow man & that's what I really want my life to be about.
Like many, I started shooting pellet guns as a kid and grew into rimfires, shotguns and centerfires. Always had a couple of pellet guns around and would plink with them every once in a while.

I started looking for information to repair my FWB 124 and discovered AGN. Lurked for a while, found it to be a good community so I joined to be able to participate.

Hanging out here has become expensive though. For 30 years a FWB 124 was all I needed for plinking and a bit of pesting. Now follow several disciplines and have all kinds of airguns to support them.

It's great to hang out super group of people who have the same interests as I do!

Had been on another forum since the James Kitching days and thoroughly enjoyed it until it started going downhill. Was on yet another from the very start but with 100 different subforums, it just wasnt too enjoyable to navigate. Will still lurk on both, however. Saw several other forums die or significantly slow down with the new software including one that I owned for a while.

Had either registered here or lurked for a while when the other owner had it, but didnt post much. Rejoined and have made it my home here ever since. There are personalities, but I like the general friendly nature here.