You should like what you got first,then fix it up and like it even better.
Sometimes when a new cheaper PCP comes out people rave about,you get hooked into thinking you need it,.then you get it.....and then you realize it Ain't what you were expecting!! You are not the only one ,you read what other people did to fix the cheap PCP.....your hooked again, like hey I already have it,why not make it better......yea I do it all the time...
My latest problem child is the PP750.....trash mags and trigger and so on,BUTTT !@! It has sooo much potential,,,,,
That Brand needs better quality control,Wait a minute, you are the quality control.......
For sure most the times it is fun,and keeping the cost down becomes another hobby.
First sentence,sometimes it is better to get rid of the problem rather than trying to fix,,,,it ain't about money so much, it is about Time needed to fix problems.Ain't like a marriage,some things are not worth fixing........uh....