I like both PCP and Springers. They both have their own enjoyable qualities.
I enjoy springers due to it taking a little more skill to shoot consistently. I got my first springer HW97K from a local shooter who bought three from the Netherlands. I shot it, and thought "What are all these guys talking about? This isn't so hard"
Well, there is a common phrase with springers. They are either breaking in or breaking down. Competing with one nearly requires a 6th sense, I've had to fully strip rifles 15-20 minutes before a match and inspect/ clean/ relube and rezero before the shooters meeting. They really can keep you on your toes.
I guess I really just like the challenge of springers as a whole.
Side note, your lefty TX.
Is that what you're planning on shooting FT with this season?
It looks like a UTG T06 drooper rail, an anti slide clamp and Burris Zees, are they signature Z's?
What Sidewheel do you plan on using with the x50?
You plan on trying to get on the Springer Team one of these years??