I agree completely that our time is worth something. Given that ANY compressor will take some time to fill a tank, I think it makes sense to get one that is robust enough to do it on it's own without and baby sitting of it.
I don't have a GX4, but everything I read about it sounds like it is such a compressor. I have an 11 year old Shoebox, and it clearly is a "set it and forget it" unit, and that is what I do - I've watched movies, football games, mowed the lawn/shoveled the driveway and various other things as it did it's thing. The one safety thing I added to enable this use safely is that I run it through an outlet with a timer control on it - I calculate the time needed to get to a full fill and set it up so that the power shuts off at the right time - that way it absoluelty can't overfill the tank if there were any problem with the auto shut off.
I would say that I spend less time waiting around filling tanks this way than I would if I had a commercial dive compressor . . .