Why is Skout Epoch so loud?

A picture is worth a thousand words (100 yard groups).

Time reveals all, much like your experience, both good and bad.


As a BR shooter the only time I shoot groups is when setting up or tuning a gun. The 10 shot group pictured below, where the blue diamond is .5 MOA and the white squares are 1 MOA were shot with my .25 caliber EPOCH in its current configuration on day one of its return.
Epoch Sub-MOA 10 shots 100yds.jpg
The top two rows represent a picture of the highest 100yd card I've ever shot. These targets, the two rows on top and the two rows on the bottom are 25 shots each, not shot as groups, but sequentially moving from target to target. These are standard RMAC 100yd target 8,9&10 rings. I shot this during a pellet comparison between the AEA 33.9 Center Punch and the JTS 33.8 gr Dead Center pellets. If you would like to see some 100 yard testing videos, you can find them on my YouTube page under JMPDGS.
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At RMAC the Wednesday before everything started was a free day to register and sight in. I happened to be sighting in next to team Skout- the owner and three of the machinists. Those guns were quiet!! I was very impressed with the rapport, and with the newly added bracketry for adding a cylinder weight up front, I was totally in awe of this platform. The owner/designer was super cool to chat with, also.
Skout as a company is superb
Great customer service
Still waiting for a viable.177 that doesn’t weigh a ton
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This is really odd. I didn’t think my Skout was that loud with the factory mod shooting heavy .25 pellets. The Whisper was a tiny bit quieter but not as accurate. The factory straw was the most accurate and the noise didn’t bother me.

I like them as company for sure. Excellent response and customer service the couple times I contacted them, and the rifle was excellent.
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