Why isn't the Leshiy 2 more popular?

When you tried everything else, it's a must have, if you can afford it. The only drawback is pellets aren't readily available anymore. Its It's amazing how fast you can burn thru a tin of ammo. Before I purchased, I was concerned about accuracy. Not now, ragged 1/2 to 3/4 @ 50 yrds. Good enough for hunting. This is not ment to be a match bench gun. 
I don't know if this is an indication of being popular or not but I've spent more on the L2 as far as accessories go than any other airgun I own. 5 different barrels in .25cal and .30cal, 3 different handguards, 3 different moderators, extra magazines for both calibers, 2 different optics (1 magnified, 1 red dot), 300cc tank, power jets, and reg tester. I also pre-ordered and waited 9 months for it to arrive. I currently check the massive 140 something page L2 thread on a daily basis or any other L2 subject for that matter and all the videos being put out.
I’m with Peskadot671 on this. Since I got mine I have hardly shot anything else. Now I’ve already purchased the Valkyrie Akula Mod40 kit, a new case to carry it in, A new scope (Crimson Trace 5 Series 3-18). Of course i am thinking about a longer barrel (I have a 350mm now, but eying a 450 or 600) which will require a longer handguard, a different caliber (.30 cal is calling) which means new mags plus of course the Reg Tester and Jets. Did I mention that I bought 3 extra mags to go with the 2 that come with the gun? 

I may put my beloved FX Wildcat MK3 up for sale because the Leshiy 2 just makes it feel…..like an agricultural implement 😳
Simple, cost and long wait time. 

it’s hard for me to justify that gun especially when I can’t have instant gratification.

i kept going back to edgunwest to see if they were in stock. i thought about pre-order, but wasn't committed to buying.

and then the stupid "Add to Cart" button showed up, and 2 days later i have it.