Why oh, Why do Lefty's Keep getting the Shaft???

Problem solved 🫡

I'm old enough to remember when left handers were forced to be right! LOL
yes in grade school i was forced not only to try to write Righty , we had to use real ink pens , fill from a bottle or slip a ink-tube into the pen . i wrote lefty and smeared the wet ink , failed penmanship . I understand penmanship is not taught in schools any more ?
I agree with BFloyd. Today nearly every gun begins in CAD as a symmetrical design. At some point a designer has to make an active choice to make the design one sided. Would the Impact be any harder for a right handed shooter if the magazine was centered? Some guns I can work around but others like the Maverick and Wildcat are completely unsuitable for a lefty.

I can't imagine making a decision to eliminate up to 13% of my customers when an ambidextrous design is completely possible.
even just ambi stock's a cheek piece on both sides ambi thumb hole too .
I've known several right handers that are left eye dominant. I'm a Southpaw with an evil right eye. I'm not sure we are discriminating against Southpaws with rifle design. It's eye dominance that dictates the shoulder you mount your rifle on.

So it's really eye dominance and not right handedness that drives the market. You might be surprised at how many people are actually left eye dominant. It doesn't always line up with left handedness.
Keep both eyes open and focused on a distant object, then extend your arm out and point with your index finger or thumb at the object. Alternately close one eye at a time. The eye that keeps your finger directly in front of the object while the other eye is closed is your dominant eye

From Google
I used to be left handed. I'm not sure I understand the issue. I can shoot off either side, but am much more practiced on the right side at this point. How is the magazine a problem for shooting off the left? I only have one airgun with a magazine, and decided it doesn't work anyway, so haven't had that experience.
Take a look at post #33 in this thread..... for my particular reason for being a lefty

The mag that protrudes out on right side of most guns either jams into your orbital socket, or cheek bone. depending on mag location.
If the mag is not jammed in one of those places it is bashing up into your jawbone, again depending on mag location
Take a look at post #33 in this thread..... for my particular reason for being a lefty

The mag that protrudes out on right side of most guns either jams into your orbital socket, or cheek bone. depending on mag location.
If the mag is not jammed in one of those places it is bashing up into your jawbone, again depending on mag location

The magazine should be 4 inches out in front of your face, how are you holding the rifle?
Take a look at post #33 in this thread..... for my particular reason for being a lefty

The mag that protrudes out on right side of most guns either jams into your orbital socket, or cheek bone. depending on mag location.
If the mag is not jammed in one of those places it is bashing up into your jawbone, again depending on mag location


What the heck kind of rifle has the mag at the cheekbone, jawbone or orbital socket? Left or right?

Aren't the mags on a PCP in the usual spot? Right behind the breech?
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The magazine should be 4 inches out in front of your face, how are you holding the rifle?
If you put the mag on an FX Impact, or Maverick 4 inches in front of your face when aiming your shoulder would be a country mile away from the buttstock....
Same with pretty much any of the "rear mag" Bull pup guns with a few exceptions as listed prior in this thread....

Not ALL guns are Traditional stocks, which i assume prompted your response about the mag being 4" away....
If you put the mag on an FX Impact, or Maverick 4 inches in front of your face when aiming your shoulder would be a country mile away from the buttstock....
Same with pretty much any of the "rear mag" Bull pup guns with a few exceptions as listed prior in this thread....

Not ALL guns are Traditional stocks, which i assume prompted your response about the mag being 4" away....

That has been one of my questions about bullpups since they started becoming popular. Seem to be designed by video gamers, not users.
just a few off the top of my head
FX Maverick
FX Impact
Skout Epoch
Western Sidewinder

I didn't know that! I'm not familiar with any of those rifles. I'll check them out. They must be a unique design.

When you said most guns were like that I misunderstood.

"Most" meant the majority of the ones you were considering in that particular configuration. That makes sense. I get it now!

Carry on...
I am right handed but left eye dominant. One of my uncles had my little brother and I do the "point at the object and then close or cover each eye independently" thing when we were teenagers. He was taking us quail hunting with shotguns. You pretty much have to shoot both eyes open so understanding which eye is dominant is important. So I have always shot from my left shoulder. I can shoot pistols with either hand but prefer to use my left.

I agree that the market for true left hand guns is probably small enough that it doesn't hurt FX too much to ignore us. They have guns with the magazine out front, conventional guns, I could shoot. But I have pretty much decided I don't care for the very thin "liner" barrels anyway. But I think they are the worst about making their magazines huge so there is no way I can shoot their bullpups with my big head. Magazine is right in my face. They probably still get some who shoot from their left shoulder that are willing to find a way that the gun works for them. To the extent that is true, it makes their potential gains even less to offer a true left hand gun.

I prefer cocking on the right. My right hand is my dominant hand so I switched the cocking on my Caiman to the right. I want it on that side. The magazine on a Caiman is flush with the stock so it is not an issue. It actually may help a little to have my face where the magazine. There is no last shot cutout on the magazine but I've noticed I can tell by the noise the magazine makes as it moves when I will have an empty chamber.

To me the biggest simple thing airgun manufacturers could do is make their magazines like the SPA M60. It is pretty high in capacity but it is right in the middle of the gun. It hangs out on both sides a little but apparently not enough to bother people. The Caiman does not do that because the rod that carries the cocking motion back to the trigger and magazine area where it is needed passes right past the magazine. There might be a reason like that for other manufacturers could not easily do this but it seems like something they should be thinking about. It doesn't have to take any new parts to make an airgun fairly lefty friendly, but you have to stop the "hang the huge magazine on the side of the gun" nonsense.

I have noticed the Daystate Revere is available in a true left handed version and it may help me decide to try one. But I am thinking harder about the Safari edition because of other unique aspects of my body. I have long arms and big hands and high cheek bones. The LOP will be too short for me and I think a spacer would look better on the Safari than a nice walnut stock. I am also more confident I can get the cheek piece where I want it when it is adjustable. I don't know what I will do about my XL hand size. I do not love it when I am pulling the trigger with the middle of my index finger. My point is sharing all this is just that dealing with a right hand gun is not the only issue some of us have. If I wanted a FX it would bug me more that their main guns are bullpups that are not at all lefty friendly..
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Until the 7 grade or so i only wrote in CAPITOL LETTERS
Then i found out using small case letters was faster.
Also from about the same time i never did home work, they had to accept what i had the time to do in class, or not get anything at all.

Never really learned where to put , or . so even today i just freestyle it, but do throw those in while actually typing, there was a time where i filled those in afterwards.

Grammar even in my native language, well not something i considered must learn, so again i just wing it in any language.

I still call school my 9.5 year nightmare, or if i am polite trauma, i am not at all able to thrive in a situation like that.
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Until the 7 grade or so i only wrote in CAPITOL LETTERS
Then i found out using small case letters was faster.
Also from about the same time i never did home work, they had to accept what i had the time to do in class, or not get anything at all.

Never really learned where to put , or . so even today i just freestyle it, but do throw those in while actually typing, there was a time where i filled those in afterwards.

Grammar even in my native language, well not something i considered must learn, so again i just wing it in any language.

I still call school my 9.5 year nightmare, or if i am polite trauma, i am not at all able to thrive in a situation like that.

You wing it pretty good.

Stay weird bro.
O i am very much PRO learning, just the traditional school setup i do very bad in.
My only good memories is
Wood shop, which here is / was mandatory the first year, i think in 7 or 8 grade.
And in 9 . 10 grade i had photo shop, winding our own raw ( B & W ) film on used cartridges and then later on develop the film and put the pictures on paper.

Okay chemistry was also ok, Dunno if you are old, but back in the day ( 70ties ) it was popular for kids to get a chemistry kit, and i got one of those too, and later on we made many funny things,,,,, also some that will get the boys in that black cube in Maryland sit up and take note, so better not dwell on that.
But just the chemistry part of those classes all the other stuff was mind-numbing for me.

Fortunately at the exam, there was 5 subjects you could get tested on, fortunately i picked acids / bases and the periodic table, but due to nerves i had myself so wound up i only managed a 11 score, which as i recall was the #2 highest back then with the grading scale we used back then.

Languages, well my brain do that on autopilot, i just need a Tv to be on with something remotely interesting on it in another language, i learned English and German from the 1 TV channel Denmark had back then. ( Adult educational programmes on our PBS like Network )
If you are teaching a new person to shoot the first thing I would do is figure out their dominate eye. Most people have no clue they have a dominate eye. Let that determine if they shoot right or left hand. My daughter is right hand and I figured out she was left eye dominate and taught her to shoot left hand. She did great on her high school rifle team and set 6 national records and now shoots NCAA rifle in college. Works great for me since I am left hand and left eye dominate as we Can share rifles and when I exit life she will have plenty of lefthand guns I will leave her.
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