O i am very much PRO learning, just the traditional school setup i do very bad in.
My only good memories is
Wood shop, which here is / was mandatory the first year, i think in 7 or 8 grade.
And in 9 . 10 grade i had photo shop, winding our own raw ( B & W ) film on used cartridges and then later on develop the film and put the pictures on paper.
Okay chemistry was also ok, Dunno if you are old, but back in the day ( 70ties ) it was popular for kids to get a chemistry kit, and i got one of those too, and later on we made many funny things,,,,, also some that will get the boys in that black cube in Maryland sit up and take note, so better not dwell on that.
But just the chemistry part of those classes all the other stuff was mind-numbing for me.
Fortunately at the exam, there was 5 subjects you could get tested on, fortunately i picked acids / bases and the periodic table, but due to nerves i had myself so wound up i only managed a 11 score, which as i recall was the #2 highest back then with the grading scale we used back then.
Languages, well my brain do that on autopilot, i just need a Tv to be on with something remotely interesting on it in another language, i learned English and German from the 1 TV channel Denmark had back then. ( Adult educational programmes on our PBS like Network )