Why oh, Why do Lefty's Keep getting the Shaft???

I am a lefty and left eye dominant. I write, shoot bows and guns and shoot a basketball left handed that's it. I golf, play baseball, throw a football right handed. I use scissors right handed. It's just how I was raised up. My dad stuck a glove on my left hand and I played golf with his right handed clubs. With rifles I'm fine with a right handed action as long as the cheek piece is neutral, no high Monte Carlo right handed cheek piece that comes to a sharp point. With bullpup air rifles the mag is an issue for sure. I have no problem with an impact, cricket, delta wolf because I have had those or used them. I would like to have a sidewinder for hunting but that mag sticking out and it rotating might not be the best for a lefty. Just can't justify 2400 to find out. If I have to change my natural cheek rest to accommodate a mag issue I won't have it.
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In todays day and and age why on god's green earth do the gun manufacturers continue to make guns Right Hand only, or at least damn near impossible for a lefty?

Are we any less of a shooter?

Did lefty shooters offend these manufactures in the past?

I have asked some of them for the reasoning and got fed a line of BS about design and production cost... Come on now.... I do happen to know a little bit about design and production of machined parts. I own and run a successful business in the field...

Trust me when I tell you it costs No more to design a product on center or off center

It is just frustrating as a lefty and pretty damn stupid of the manufacturers to blatantly choose to lose the money on something that costs no more to make.....

Ok I feel better getting that of my chest, hopefully some of you fellow lefty's will chime in.

Stay cool mi amifgos
There just aren’t enough of you guys. Stuff specifically designed for left handed people doesn’t sell well, that’s the reason they don’t design and build stuff that way. Especially guns, the percentage of left handed people in the population is already small, then consider how many actual shooters there are out there that are left handed is probably very small. My father was left handed, he finally just learned to shoot right handed. It all about eye dominance, if you beat that part my old man claimed that shooting a right handed gun was easy for him. He wore a patch over his dominant eye for a couple of weeks and forced the other eye to basically take over. My old man was a crack shot right or left handed. So it can be done. I have often wondered what decides if a person is right or left handed. I have a brother and a sister , all of us have children. No other person is left handed. Beat the eye dominance thing and you can shoot right handed. It sux as a solution, but until there is a better option maybe it’s something to consider trying.
In todays day and and age why on god's green earth do the gun manufacturers continue to make guns Right Hand only, or at least damn near impossible for a lefty?

Are we any less of a shooter?

Did lefty shooters offend these manufactures in the past?

I have asked some of them for the reasoning and got fed a line of BS about design and production cost... Come on now.... I do happen to know a little bit about design and production of machined parts. I own and run a successful business in the field...

Trust me when I tell you it costs No more to design a product on center or off center

It is just frustrating as a lefty and pretty damn stupid of the manufacturers to blatantly choose to lose the money on something that costs no more to make.....

Ok I feel better getting that of my chest, hopefully some of you fellow lefty's will chime in.

Stay cool mi amifgos
There's a place in Springfield you may like

As a lefty myself I've never felt the 'shaft' fortunately.

Had plenty of slaps for being a lefty, catholic school, the left is the devil's way. Slap🤕

Bricklaying, lay one course with trowel in right hand, next course trowel in left hand, saved walking along the scaffolding start again with right hand. Classed as disruptive by the one handed professionals, slap. 😉🤕

Comprising most of my life, no hardship, simply life.

No compromise with my air rifles, either customise myself or purchased second hand.

My lefty daystate regal, air arms FTP 900 and Diana 75 have all served me well. Second hand bargains

Stuff is out there, simply not in abundance.
As a lefty myself I've never felt the 'shaft' fortunately.

Had plenty of slaps for being a lefty, catholic school, the left is the devil's way. Slap🤕

Bricklaying, lay one course with trowel in right hand, next course trowel in left hand, saved walking along the scaffolding start again with right hand. Classed as disruptive by the one handed professionals, slap. 😉🤕

Comprising most of my life, no hardship, simply life.

No compromise with my air rifles, either customise myself or purchased second hand.

My lefty daystate regal, air arms FTP 900 and Diana 75 have all served me well. Second hand bargains

Stuff is out there, simply not in abundance.
Quiet !! your ruining my Class Action lawsuit ! 😎
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There just aren’t enough of you guys. Stuff specifically designed for left handed people doesn’t sell well, that’s the reason they don’t design and build stuff that way. Especially guns, the percentage of left handed people in the population is already small, then consider how many actual shooters there are out there that are left handed is probably very small. My father was left handed, he finally just learned to shoot right handed. It all about eye dominance, if you beat that part my old man claimed that shooting a right handed gun was easy for him. He wore a patch over his dominant eye for a couple of weeks and forced the other eye to basically take over. My old man was a crack shot right or left handed. So it can be done. I have often wondered what decides if a person is right or left handed. I have a brother and a sister , all of us have children. No other person is left handed. Beat the eye dominance thing and you can shoot right handed. It sux as a solution, but until there is a better option maybe it’s something to consider trying.
All well and good, and true statements for Most people,,,
Unfortunately I am 100% Blind in my right eye as stated in post #33, so the option of learning to " beat or force " the other eye is not an option...

I have also posted in this to clarify, i am NOT asking for Left hand only guns from the manufactures. I am asking for them to make the guns more universal and ambidextrous in the Bull Pup style guns especially.. Most of them have a mag sticking out further on the right side ....This can easily be corrected and costs them Nothing more to do so. as Lewis and I have said they are actually going out of their way to design the mag location off center as everything is based off of a centerline when beginning the design....