why shooting 100 yards pest's

Old Guy with Airgun in Colorado I’ve been hunting P dogs here for 3 years I’ve been on a 500a permission all year
& I’m the only one shooting (no powder burners) my average shot 80yds. Depending on the wind I’ll reach out to 230 yds most kills around 100/120. Best at 235 he allowed me 4 shots & couldn’t figure out what was happening till light out. Shooting M3 25cal 700 w/JSB KO’s around 960. Shoot count is important I can get 56 shots before I need air.
If you can pick em off at distance great, who wants to move to them if you have the ability to get em at range. Test skills I guess.
I’m a little late replying but I move around when I’m hunting for p dogs. But it hard to get closer then 120 before they duck under & their slow to come back out. I generally will move to at least 4 or 5 set ups
From 10 yards out to 140 yards everything is dead. It really depends on what you are pesting for. Some animals won't let you get closer than 100 yards. If you are in heavy woods then yes, a closer range shot is ok, but out here on the prairie you may not have the luxury or those close shots. I have seen people that can't hit a standing deer at 30 yards with a 7mm..... and these are the same people that will try and argue that you shouldn't shoot any animal past 50 yards.

Stick to what you are good at and don't try and insult or belittle people who are doing something else.
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