WI public hearing: Big Game Hunting with Air Weapons, proposal


For those who live in, or hunt in Wisconsin, there is a public hearing on Tuesday 1/9 to discuss the house version of the bill to allow deer and other big game hunting with ‘high powered air rifles’ during the normal hunting seasons in the state. Unfortunately, imho, the definition of what can be used is only that the weapon must be designed to propel a projectile ‘over 1000 fps’ to qualify it for use hunting. I am personally thinking about taking vacation time from work to go request a more robust definition of ‘appropriate weapons’ be made to protect the animals, and image of the hunting community against inappropriate selection of weapons for hunting these game animals. In short, to me it seems like a calamity waiting to happen without better restrictions on the power levels appropriate for hunting big game. I could only imagine it’s just a matter of time before someone buys a Walmart ‘1200 fps, .177 cal airgun’ and heads out to shoot Bambi with it. I don’t want to see that happen, and ruin the opportunity for those who DO OWN appropriate weapons that are up to the task.

Let me know if anyone else is willing to go support the bill with me, and yet urge appropriate restrictions on which weapons should be allowed for hunting.

here’s the link to the hearing:

Here's a link to the bill itself:


(Edit: added link to the actual bill at the bottom)
Perhaps there is some misunderstanding I need to clarify with this post: it is currently NOT legal to hunt deer and big game with an air weapon in WI. They are proposing to open up the seasons to Air Weapons. Thus, this bill is a GOOD thing-because it expands hunting privileges further for airguns in this state (following the lead of several other states). Does that help clarify things?

Nobody is trying to restrict our rights/privileges in this situation-on the contrary, they are looking to expand the privilege of deer hunting (and bear hunting, etc) to airguns.

My point is it will be bad for the airgun community if people start shooting deer with underpowered weapons and the deer end up living, wounded after being shot. I have seen several instances of x-rays of swans, etc from the UK where some bonehead shot the swan, etc multiple times, and it lived, wounded-and then traveled to a public location to be discovered and 'put down' by the 'authorities'. Those examples have been flashed all over their media and have become 'examples' of why more restrictions against airguns 'are needed' over there (according to the 'antis'). We don’t need to feed the emotional, bleeding hearts over here with similar examples, especially when it should be us (the airgun community) trying to proactively advocate for ‘ethical’ hunting-for the sake of the image of our sport, and out of respect for the game we are hunting.

Hopefully that provides a bit of clarity?
I understand your 1st post completely.....I think you misunderstand mine....don't give them types of people nutting to talk about.....get a 30-06 and go kill your deer. talking about gun rights with the bastards only give them "big ideas". then they have to start violating the 2nd with them new rules and regulations, and all the bull that comes along with it. here in MI. they allways said that bb-guns were firearms..... until recently it has been reversed, because bb-guns ARE NOT firearms. I know all ya gotta do is get the dummies a talkin, and they start messin with the 2nd. my point is to let them go talk about other chit, and not focus on hunting. after all you can kill with a club, hammer, or anything else....then all the bastards just start thinking about new rules, and laws. sometimes its just better to keep things under your hat. peace, randy.
Rjarois . You are not right. Just because they allow the use of airguns for deer does not mean they intend to regulate the airgun more. They have let people use airguns in many states now and it did not lead to airgun registeries. It just lead to allowing people who may not have firearms allowed to them to access deer hunting season . This is a large amount of people that used to be able to hunt rifle season who cannot anymore because of legal issues they had at some point in their lives. Airgun hunting allows thousands of folks to participate in this spot once again. There are many reasons Airgun hunting should be allowed. This is one.

SMH 77 Also this idea that people are using underpowered Airguns to shoot deer is dumb. You only need 215 footpound of air gun energy in Texas to harvest deer . In Wisconsin with thicker hide I would not hate a 300FPE minimum but that well more than enough to kill a big deer, Bear or any game living in Wisconsin besides perhaps Elk. This is the same agruement they made in Mi and TX before they realilzed big bore Airguns are extremly leathal on game with the correct caliber and ammo. We need to stop fearing the .1% issues and understand the tech is well past airguns that would be underpowered being used for Deer. Any moron who is hunting deer with a now legal .22 in Wisconsin (Legal) is the same moron who might take a Benjamin pellet rifle after a deer. Those people are never going away . Figure out what other states are using to power air guns and teach the DNR the airguns on the market that meet the requirement for FPE . And this distinction of Airbow and Airgun is pointless. Is the idea not to use the most effective tool for ethically harvesting game? Airbows are the best ammunition in airguns for large game. Airbows are much more leathal with bolts and sharpe broadhead than they are with any slug on the market under 700fpe . They are accurate out to 100 yards and I have seen deer drop like being shot with .308 winchester rounds. If the idea is to open the season up to Airguns then limiting the idea of Airbows is simply stupid. Airbows and Airguns are actually the same thing. Any 45 caliber or 50 caliber airgun can shoot arrows with little to no modification to the barrel or action. Airbows and airguns are not different technology and opening up the restriction of Airbows and not Airguns is just an excuse to fine people who do not deserve to be fined. If Airgun hunting becomes legal during gun deer season in WI ..Crossbow and archery is already allowed during the rifle season so restricting only Airbows would be a huge way to start the legalization of Airgun hunting in the state.
I have been on board with a way to get bigbore PCP Deer hunting legal in WI for 20 years. This is nice to see it finally is coming to life. I wish they informed the public more of the intention before it went places because I know thousands of people in this state who want bigbore Airguns to be part of the deer gun season and would celebrate such a liberty being given back as if they were given an limb back . I will do anything to help you get this legislation passed. Thanks for this .