Wife says this one is off limits

Nice. I think a white squirrel's days are numbered, so easy for predators to see. So if you don't harvest it, a predator will, IMHO, of course. But I see how having one around where you can watch & study it would be cool. I killed one a couple of years ago & I hunted him for two days & noticed that the other squirrels did not want him around. They would chase him off. Have you noticed how the other squirrels react to it?
That is an interesting observation because I also believe the other squirrels are trying to run it off.
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so we have gray squirrels here.. probably a dozen or more in the front yard.. I think they are cute and so far have only been getting acorns for winter.. id feel different about them if any of my nut trees were big enough to make any nuts.. I want to eat those.. I'm vegetarian so I don't see any reason to just shoot them.. but for those who eat them I think it's good.. I do also get a occasional ground squirrel and the only way they don't get shot on site is if I don't have any gun handy and they disappear..
my toy mini blue heeler keeps trying to round up the gray squirrels šŸ¤£šŸ¤£ but she hasn't learned to climb trees.. she did follow me up a ladder once, fortunately Dad was close and got her at around 5 ft upšŸ¤£šŸ¤£
thank you so much for sharing the picture of the white squirrel and I think there was another animal.. maybe a reindeer??
nice seeing wildlife.. I like it the few times I get to see the little red fox around here too
I would also give it some slack but if it even looks at my roofā€¦ā€¦ā€¦ā€¦..
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My wife is a permitted wildlife rehabilitator and she works exclusively with opossums. This little girl is currently in her care as she seeks an educational facility that would be interested in legally keeping it. I can be as bloodthirsty as any, but my excuses for leaning into that side of my nature have narrowed with age. Knowing all that I know about our Virginia Opossum have put even normal ones forever off the list of targets (for those who have the knowledge, I should mention that we donā€™t have horses) but this one would get a pass even if things were different.

All that said, Iā€™m not so sure a leucistic rat would survive if I saw one and had the meansā€¦
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Right, after all I agreed ā€œthatā€ tree rat has impunity. Deal doesā€™t extend to any of i
Sorry to say my curiosity would get the better of me. I would just have
Yes. If I ever saw a white/albino tree rat in my yard it would get a pass. Until I saw a lot of white/albino tree rats in my yard. (smile)

All my best!

My curiosity would get the better of me. Too many questions left unanswered. Stuff like is it also white meat or dark, does it taste different will the gravy be white? With all these variables I need to know if itā€™s fried will it be crispier.
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