FX Wiggle room between plenum and power block on Impact M3 when disassembled

Hey good people,

I did a bit of an oopsie during a hammer swap on my M3 and may or may not have attempted on unscrew the plenum with 100 bar inside. The damage seems to be just an O-ring on the plastic part towards the receiver, inside of the plenum (which has now been replaced) but I also noticed I can wiggle the power block a little bit w.r.t. the plenum whereas I don't think I could with the previous hammer swap. Can anyone weigh in on this before I reassemble and pressurise a (potentially) broken gun?

The set screw probably loosened up on you a little bit it just helps hold it in place and I would try snugging it up a bit if you have the gun tore down that far to swap the hammer I would check it before going back together
That's exactly what it was! Just that little grub screw. Gun works a-ok again, thankfully it was just the one blown O-ring.

Thanks for the feedback!
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