Wika Gauged Royale and Crown

I ordered a few Wika 28mm gauges with the plan to replace the FX gauges on my Royale and Crown. I turned them down to 26.5mm. There's not a lot of material left at 26.5mm and I found out the hard way that by trying to go a little smaller that just didn't work. At 26.5 I did have to enlarge the hole in the stock just a little. I used sand paper rolled up on a slotted 3/8" rod and chucked up in a cordless drill. I think they turned out really well and I feel very comfortable with the accuracy of the gauges. When I received the gauges I checked each one against my Crystal digital test gauge and if they weren't right on the money they might have been 2-5 bar off at the very most on the worst one. Anyway here's how they turned out.

The Royale....




The Crown.....




Thanks everyone for the comments. I still need to re-stain the inside of the hole on the Royale where I enlarged the hole. I also forgot to mention that I left the plastic washer/bushing in both guns and just added a #105 chubby O-ring. I had to go past hand tight about a 1/2 turn for 100% sealing.

I also sent some photos to Huub, which he liked very much. I asked if he was able to go all the way to 26mm which should fit into the hole without any stock alterations. He didn't say that he did buy I told him about how thin the material was at 26.5mm. He did say that he still had plenty of material left and that the walls were pretty thick to start out with so hopefully the ones he's selling are a drop in mod.

@mtnGhost- the one that I got a little too deep on and ripped open really reminded me of the internals of a watch. Funny you mentioned that..

Nice job. Like Dairyboy said, "a classic look". I like the Wika 315 better than Huma's. Wika's gauge is easier for me to see. Good move on Huma's part to turn down some of their gauges , makes them a lot easier to install. I could not get the Huma gauge to stop leaking, with the fat oring. However I removed the flat disc, maybe that is where I messed up.