Thanks for the heads up, if and when I receive them I'll be sure to check them.Hi again HogKiller. The following is a subject for an entirely new thread, but I'm giving you a heads up.
If you have a ZERO MOA scope rail for your Maverick, don't throw it away! Use it on your Maverick. The 20 MOA rail that came on my Maverick clearly demonstrates that FX just slopped out a placebo rail that is so geometrically out of whack that it tries to warp the entire structure of the gun when tightened down. If you have a 20 MOA rail on your Maverick and you can slide a feeler gauge between the scope rail and the supporting posts that it is screwed onto, then that is bad. Depending on whether you tighten the posts onto the gun from the botton up or tighten the rail first and then tighten the rest of the stuff down to the bottom (so order dependent) might make the rail fit flush to the posts, BUT then the structural warpage is just moved to around the plenum tube -- still trying to warp the gun. At least that's the way my 20 MOA rail was until I literally threw it in the trash. I had to look hard for a ZERO MOA rail that I bought used in order to straighten things out.
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